Architecture Diagram

flowchart TB;
  subgraph local system
    Daedalus -- calls --> cardano-launcher;
    cardano-launcher -. spawns .-> cardano-wallet;
    cardano-launcher -. spawns .-> cardano-node;

    %% by HTTP REST API
    Daedalus -- queries --> cardano-wallet;

    %% Local socket/named pipe
    cardano-wallet -- queries --> cardano-node;

  subgraph Internet
    %% HTTP API
    cardano-wallet -- queries --> SMASH;

    %% Network protocol
    cardano-node -- syncs --> blockchain;

  class cardano-wallet adrestia;
  class Daedalus,cardano-launcher daedalus;
  class cardano-node,SMASH cardano;
  class blockchain other;

  click cardano-wallet call mermaidClick("wallet-backend");
  click cardano-launcher mermaidClick;
  click cardano-node call mermaidClick("node");
  click SMASH call mermaidClick("smash");
  click Daedalus call mermaidClick("daedalus");

This is how the software components fit together in the Daedalus scenario.

See also: Adrestia Architecture.


The core cardano-node, which participates in the Cardano network, and maintains the state of the Cardano blockchain ledger.

Wallet Backend

cardano-wallet is an HTTP REST API is recommended for 3rd party wallets and small exchanges who do not want to manage UTxOs for transactions themselves. Use it to send and receive payments from hierarchical deterministic wallets on the Cardano blockchain via HTTP REST or a command-line interface.

Cardano Launcher

cardano-launcher is a TypeScript package which handles the details of starting and stopping the Node and Wallet Backend.


Daedalus is a user-friendly desktop application to manage Cardano wallets.


SMASH is a proxy for stake pool metadata.