Co-Pilot Process

User stories are assigned to and owned by a single member of the team (a.k.a the Pilot), and seconded by a Co-Pilot.

The roles work as follows:

Clarify product requirements as needed with the product owner(s)Pilot
Break U/S into tasks (small, sizeable, chunks of work)Pilot
Estimate U/S in terms of # of weeksPilot
Implement each task of a U/SPilot
Challenge the task division and review itCo-Pilot
Primary reviewer of the development tasksCo-Pilot
Call for assistance from peers when neededCo-Pilot
Challenge implementation decisions and technical choicesCo-Pilot
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  • Process

    User stories are assigned to and owned by a single member of the team (a.k.a the Pilot). Pilots are seconded by a Co-Pilot Process.
