Package-level declarations
Encodes an individual service object according to the second algorithm.
Encodes the given pairs of key-value data into a JSON string representation.
Converts a base58-encoded string to a byte array.
Decodes a multibase string to a pair of the transform and the encoded number basis.
Converts a JSON string to a Map
Converts a given JWK object to a byte array.
Decodes a multicodec value to a pair of Codec and the remaining bytes.
Converts a byte array to a base58 multibase encoding.
Converts an array to a JSON array.
Converts an Iterable of any type to a JSON array.
Converts an object to its JSON representation as a JsonElement.
Converts the given Map object to a JsonObject. Each key-value pair in the map is converted to a corresponding key-value pair in the JsonObject. The keys are converted to string representation using the toString method. The values are converted to JsonElement using the toJsonElement method.
Converts the given value to a multicodec byte array using the specified keyType.