- Synopsis
Principled and efficient bit-oriented binary serialization.
- Description
Reference implementation of `flat`, a principled and efficient binary serialization format.
- Author
Pasqualino `Titto` Assini
- Maintainer
- License
- Source
- Commit hash
- 3bd82065ec7f8f253bcb18832b200dbf07707a3b
- Timestamp
- Revisions
- Dependencies
- library flat:
if !impl(eta >=0)
- array >=
- base >=4.8 && <5
- bytestring >=0.10.6
- containers
- deepseq >=1.4
- dlist >=0.6
- ghc-prim
- hashable
- mono-traversable
- pretty >=1.1.2
- primitive
- semigroups
- text
- unordered-containers
- vector
- QuickCheck
- quickcheck-instances
- list-t
if impl(eta >=0)
- array ==
- base
- bytestring ==
- containers ==
- deepseq ==
- dlist
- filepath ==
- ghc-prim ==
- hashable >= && <=
- HUnit ==
- memory >=0.14.10 && <=0.14.14
- mono-traversable ==1.0.1
- pretty >= && <=
- primitive >= && <=
- QuickCheck ==2.10
- tasty ==
- text ==
- unordered-containers >= && <=
- vector >= && <=
- test-suite spec:
- ["base","flat","ghc-prim","quickcheck-text","tasty-hunit","tasty-quickcheck","text"]
if !impl(eta >=0)
- array
- bytestring
- containers
- deepseq
- filepath
- mono-traversable
- QuickCheck
- tasty
- text
- quickcheck-instances
if impl(eta >=0)
- array ==
- bytestring ==
- containers ==
- deepseq ==
- filepath ==
- HUnit ==
- mono-traversable ==1.0.1
- QuickCheck ==2.10
- tasty ==
- text ==
if impl(ghc <8)
- test-suite doc-static:
- ["array","base","bytestring","containers","dlist","flat","pretty","quickcheck-instances","tasty","tasty-hunit","tasty-quickcheck","text","unordered-containers","vector"]
if impl(ghc <8)
- test-suite Repr:
- ["base","bytestring","flat","list-t"]