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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 | 17x 17x 17x 17x 3x 1x 1x 1x 3x 3x 4x 4x 4x 4x 104x 4x 3x 3x | import { Cardano, Reward, RewardAccountBalanceArgs, RewardsHistoryArgs, RewardsProvider } from '@cardano-sdk/core'; import { BlockfrostClient, BlockfrostProvider, fetchSequentially, isBlockfrostNotFoundError } from '../blockfrost'; import { Logger } from 'ts-log'; import { Range } from '@cardano-sdk/util'; import type { Responses } from '@blockfrost/blockfrost-js'; const stringToBigInt = (str: string) => BigInt(str); export class BlockfrostRewardsProvider extends BlockfrostProvider implements RewardsProvider { constructor(client: BlockfrostClient, logger: Logger) { super(client, logger); } public async rewardAccountBalance({ rewardAccount }: RewardAccountBalanceArgs) { try { const accountResponse = await this.request<Responses['account_content']>(`accounts/${rewardAccount.toString()}`); return BigInt(accountResponse.withdrawable_amount); } catch (error) { Iif (isBlockfrostNotFoundError(error)) { return 0n; } throw this.toProviderError(error); } } protected async accountRewards( stakeAddress: Cardano.RewardAccount, { lowerBound = Cardano.EpochNo(0), upperBound = Cardano.EpochNo(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) }: Range<Cardano.EpochNo> = {} ): Promise<Reward[]> { const batchSize = 100; return fetchSequentially<Responses['account_reward_content'][0], Reward>({ haveEnoughItems: (_, rewardsPage) => { const lastReward = rewardsPage[rewardsPage.length - 1]; return !lastReward || lastReward.epoch >= upperBound; }, paginationOptions: { count: batchSize }, request: (paginationQueryString) => this.request<Responses['account_reward_content']>( `accounts/${stakeAddress.toString()}/rewards?${paginationQueryString}` ), responseTranslator: (rewardsPage) => rewardsPage .filter(({ epoch }) => lowerBound <= epoch && epoch <= upperBound) .map(({ epoch, amount, pool_id }) => ({ epoch: Cardano.EpochNo(epoch), rewards: stringToBigInt(amount), ...(pool_id && { poolId: Cardano.PoolId(pool_id) }) })) }); } public async rewardsHistory({ rewardAccounts, epochs }: RewardsHistoryArgs) { const allAddressRewards = await Promise.all( => this.accountRewards(address, epochs))); return new Map(, i) => [rewardAccounts[i], epochRewards])); } } |