All files / src/blockfrost BlockfrostToCore.ts

77.41% Statements 24/31
44.44% Branches 4/9
66.66% Functions 8/12
88% Lines 22/25

Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 12818x 18x 18x                       18x           202x         1x           210x           202x                 202x                 1x                                                                                           218x 218x     218x 218x 436x 218x     218x   218x         218x   218x   218x   218x      
import { Cardano, Serialization } from '@cardano-sdk/core';
import { Hash32ByteBase16 } from '@cardano-sdk/crypto';
import { HexBlob } from '@cardano-sdk/util';
import type { Responses } from '@blockfrost/blockfrost-js';
type Unpacked<T> = T extends (infer U)[] ? U : T;
type BlockfrostAddressUtxoContent = Responses['address_utxo_content'];
type BlockfrostInputs = Responses['tx_content_utxo']['inputs'];
type BlockfrostInput = Pick<Unpacked<BlockfrostInputs>, 'address' | 'amount' | 'output_index' | 'tx_hash'>;
type BlockfrostOutputs = Responses['tx_content_utxo']['outputs'];
type BlockfrostOutput = Unpacked<BlockfrostOutputs>;
export type BlockfrostTransactionContent = Unpacked<Responses['address_transactions_content']>;
export type BlockfrostUtxo = Unpacked<BlockfrostAddressUtxoContent>;
export const BlockfrostToCore = {
  addressUtxoContent: (
    address: string,
    utxo: Responses['address_utxo_content'][0],
    txOutFromCbor?: Cardano.TxOut
  ): Cardano.Utxo =>
      BlockfrostToCore.hydratedTxIn(BlockfrostToCore.inputFromUtxo(address, utxo)),
      BlockfrostToCore.txOut(BlockfrostToCore.outputFromUtxo(address, utxo), txOutFromCbor)
    ] as Cardano.Utxo,
  blockToTip: (block: Responses['block_content']): Cardano.Tip => ({
    blockNo: Cardano.BlockNo(block.height!),
    hash: Cardano.BlockId(block.hash),
    slot: Cardano.Slot(block.slot!)
  hydratedTxIn: (blockfrost: BlockfrostInput): Cardano.HydratedTxIn => ({
    address: Cardano.PaymentAddress(blockfrost.address),
    index: blockfrost.output_index,
    txId: Cardano.TransactionId(blockfrost.tx_hash)
  inputFromUtxo: (address: string, utxo: BlockfrostUtxo): BlockfrostInput => ({
    amount: utxo.amount,
    output_index: utxo.output_index,
    tx_hash: utxo.tx_hash
  inputs: (inputs: BlockfrostInputs): Cardano.TxIn[] => => BlockfrostToCore.hydratedTxIn(input)),
  outputFromUtxo: (address: string, utxo: BlockfrostUtxo): BlockfrostOutput => ({
    collateral: false
  outputs: (outputs: BlockfrostOutputs): Cardano.TxOut[] => => BlockfrostToCore.txOut(output)),
  // @todo Blockfrost library does not provide NewProtocolParamsInConway parameters yet
  protocolParameters: (blockfrost: Responses['epoch_param_content']): Cardano.ProtocolParameters => ({
    coinsPerUtxoByte: Number(blockfrost.coins_per_utxo_word),
    collateralPercentage: blockfrost.collateral_percent!,
    committeeTermLimit: Cardano.EpochNo(0),
    costModels: new Map<Cardano.PlutusLanguageVersion, Cardano.CostModel>([
      [Cardano.PlutusLanguageVersion.V1, Object.values(blockfrost.cost_models!.PlutusV1 as { [key: string]: number })],
      [Cardano.PlutusLanguageVersion.V2, Object.values(blockfrost.cost_models!.PlutusV2 as { [key: string]: number })]
    dRepDeposit: blockfrost.drep_deposit ? Number(blockfrost.drep_deposit) : undefined,
    dRepInactivityPeriod: Cardano.EpochNo(0),
    dRepVotingThresholds: null as unknown as Cardano.DelegateRepresentativeThresholds,
    desiredNumberOfPools: blockfrost.n_opt,
    governanceActionDeposit: blockfrost.gov_action_deposit ? Number(blockfrost.gov_action_deposit) : undefined,
    governanceActionValidityPeriod: Cardano.EpochNo(0),
    maxBlockBodySize: blockfrost.max_block_size,
    maxBlockHeaderSize: blockfrost.max_block_header_size,
    maxCollateralInputs: Number(blockfrost.max_collateral_inputs),
    maxExecutionUnitsPerBlock: {
      memory: Number.parseInt(blockfrost.max_block_ex_mem!),
      steps: Number.parseInt(blockfrost.max_block_ex_steps!)
    maxExecutionUnitsPerTransaction: {
      memory: Number.parseInt(blockfrost.max_tx_ex_mem!),
      steps: Number.parseInt(blockfrost.max_tx_ex_steps!)
    maxTxSize: Number(blockfrost.max_tx_size),
    maxValueSize: Number(blockfrost.max_val_size),
    minCommitteeSize: 0,
    minFeeCoefficient: blockfrost.min_fee_a,
    minFeeConstant: blockfrost.min_fee_b,
    minPoolCost: Number(blockfrost.min_pool_cost),
    monetaryExpansion: blockfrost.rho.toString(),
    poolDeposit: Number(blockfrost.pool_deposit),
    poolInfluence: blockfrost.a0.toString(),
    poolRetirementEpochBound: blockfrost.e_max,
    poolVotingThresholds: null as unknown as Cardano.PoolVotingThresholds,
    prices: {
      memory: blockfrost.price_mem!,
      steps: blockfrost.price_step!
    protocolVersion: { major: blockfrost.protocol_major_ver, minor: blockfrost.protocol_minor_ver },
    stakeKeyDeposit: Number(blockfrost.key_deposit),
    treasuryExpansion: blockfrost.tau.toString()
  txOut: (blockfrost: BlockfrostOutput, txOutFromCbor?: Cardano.TxOut): Cardano.TxOut => {
    const value: Cardano.Value = {
      coins: BigInt(blockfrost.amount.find(({ unit }) => unit === 'lovelace')!.quantity)
    const assets: Cardano.TokenMap = new Map();
    for (const { quantity, unit } of blockfrost.amount) {
      if (unit === 'lovelace') continue;
      assets.set(Cardano.AssetId(unit), BigInt(quantity));
    if (assets.size > 0) value.assets = assets;
    const txOut: Cardano.TxOut = {
      address: Cardano.PaymentAddress(blockfrost.address),
    Iif (blockfrost.inline_datum)
      txOut.datum = Serialization.PlutusData.fromCbor(HexBlob(blockfrost.inline_datum)).toCore();
    Iif (blockfrost.data_hash) txOut.datumHash = Hash32ByteBase16(blockfrost.data_hash);
    Iif (txOutFromCbor?.scriptReference) txOut.scriptReference = txOutFromCbor.scriptReference;
    return txOut;