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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 | 18x 18x 18x 18x 202x 1x 210x 202x 202x 1x 218x 218x 218x 218x 436x 218x 218x 218x 218x 218x 218x 218x | import { Cardano, Serialization } from '@cardano-sdk/core'; import { Hash32ByteBase16 } from '@cardano-sdk/crypto'; import { HexBlob } from '@cardano-sdk/util'; import type { Responses } from '@blockfrost/blockfrost-js'; type Unpacked<T> = T extends (infer U)[] ? U : T; type BlockfrostAddressUtxoContent = Responses['address_utxo_content']; type BlockfrostInputs = Responses['tx_content_utxo']['inputs']; type BlockfrostInput = Pick<Unpacked<BlockfrostInputs>, 'address' | 'amount' | 'output_index' | 'tx_hash'>; type BlockfrostOutputs = Responses['tx_content_utxo']['outputs']; type BlockfrostOutput = Unpacked<BlockfrostOutputs>; export type BlockfrostTransactionContent = Unpacked<Responses['address_transactions_content']>; export type BlockfrostUtxo = Unpacked<BlockfrostAddressUtxoContent>; export const BlockfrostToCore = { addressUtxoContent: ( address: string, utxo: Responses['address_utxo_content'][0], txOutFromCbor?: Cardano.TxOut ): Cardano.Utxo => [ BlockfrostToCore.hydratedTxIn(BlockfrostToCore.inputFromUtxo(address, utxo)), BlockfrostToCore.txOut(BlockfrostToCore.outputFromUtxo(address, utxo), txOutFromCbor) ] as Cardano.Utxo, blockToTip: (block: Responses['block_content']): Cardano.Tip => ({ blockNo: Cardano.BlockNo(block.height!), hash: Cardano.BlockId(block.hash), slot: Cardano.Slot(block.slot!) }), hydratedTxIn: (blockfrost: BlockfrostInput): Cardano.HydratedTxIn => ({ address: Cardano.PaymentAddress(blockfrost.address), index: blockfrost.output_index, txId: Cardano.TransactionId(blockfrost.tx_hash) }), inputFromUtxo: (address: string, utxo: BlockfrostUtxo): BlockfrostInput => ({ address, amount: utxo.amount, output_index: utxo.output_index, tx_hash: utxo.tx_hash }), inputs: (inputs: BlockfrostInputs): Cardano.TxIn[] => => BlockfrostToCore.hydratedTxIn(input)), outputFromUtxo: (address: string, utxo: BlockfrostUtxo): BlockfrostOutput => ({ ...utxo, address, collateral: false }), outputs: (outputs: BlockfrostOutputs): Cardano.TxOut[] => => BlockfrostToCore.txOut(output)), // @todo Blockfrost library does not provide NewProtocolParamsInConway parameters yet protocolParameters: (blockfrost: Responses['epoch_param_content']): Cardano.ProtocolParameters => ({ coinsPerUtxoByte: Number(blockfrost.coins_per_utxo_word), collateralPercentage: blockfrost.collateral_percent!, committeeTermLimit: Cardano.EpochNo(0), costModels: new Map<Cardano.PlutusLanguageVersion, Cardano.CostModel>([ [Cardano.PlutusLanguageVersion.V1, Object.values(blockfrost.cost_models!.PlutusV1 as { [key: string]: number })], [Cardano.PlutusLanguageVersion.V2, Object.values(blockfrost.cost_models!.PlutusV2 as { [key: string]: number })] ]), dRepDeposit: blockfrost.drep_deposit ? Number(blockfrost.drep_deposit) : undefined, dRepInactivityPeriod: Cardano.EpochNo(0), dRepVotingThresholds: null as unknown as Cardano.DelegateRepresentativeThresholds, desiredNumberOfPools: blockfrost.n_opt, governanceActionDeposit: blockfrost.gov_action_deposit ? Number(blockfrost.gov_action_deposit) : undefined, governanceActionValidityPeriod: Cardano.EpochNo(0), maxBlockBodySize: blockfrost.max_block_size, maxBlockHeaderSize: blockfrost.max_block_header_size, maxCollateralInputs: Number(blockfrost.max_collateral_inputs), maxExecutionUnitsPerBlock: { memory: Number.parseInt(blockfrost.max_block_ex_mem!), steps: Number.parseInt(blockfrost.max_block_ex_steps!) }, maxExecutionUnitsPerTransaction: { memory: Number.parseInt(blockfrost.max_tx_ex_mem!), steps: Number.parseInt(blockfrost.max_tx_ex_steps!) }, maxTxSize: Number(blockfrost.max_tx_size), maxValueSize: Number(blockfrost.max_val_size), minCommitteeSize: 0, minFeeCoefficient: blockfrost.min_fee_a, minFeeConstant: blockfrost.min_fee_b, minPoolCost: Number(blockfrost.min_pool_cost), monetaryExpansion: blockfrost.rho.toString(), poolDeposit: Number(blockfrost.pool_deposit), poolInfluence: blockfrost.a0.toString(), poolRetirementEpochBound: blockfrost.e_max, poolVotingThresholds: null as unknown as Cardano.PoolVotingThresholds, prices: { memory: blockfrost.price_mem!, steps: blockfrost.price_step! }, protocolVersion: { major: blockfrost.protocol_major_ver, minor: blockfrost.protocol_minor_ver }, stakeKeyDeposit: Number(blockfrost.key_deposit), treasuryExpansion: blockfrost.tau.toString() }), txOut: (blockfrost: BlockfrostOutput, txOutFromCbor?: Cardano.TxOut): Cardano.TxOut => { const value: Cardano.Value = { coins: BigInt(blockfrost.amount.find(({ unit }) => unit === 'lovelace')!.quantity) }; const assets: Cardano.TokenMap = new Map(); for (const { quantity, unit } of blockfrost.amount) { if (unit === 'lovelace') continue; assets.set(Cardano.AssetId(unit), BigInt(quantity)); } if (assets.size > 0) value.assets = assets; const txOut: Cardano.TxOut = { address: Cardano.PaymentAddress(blockfrost.address), value }; Iif (blockfrost.inline_datum) txOut.datum = Serialization.PlutusData.fromCbor(HexBlob(blockfrost.inline_datum)).toCore(); Iif (blockfrost.data_hash) txOut.datumHash = Hash32ByteBase16(blockfrost.data_hash); Iif (txOutFromCbor?.scriptReference) txOut.scriptReference = txOutFromCbor.scriptReference; return txOut; } }; |