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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 | 18x 18x 18x 209x 18x 19x 19x 57x 39x 19x 19x 19x 19x 18x 19x 19x 19x 19x 19x 19x 19x 19x 5x 14x 18x 7x 12x 12x 12x 12x | import { Cardano, ProviderError, ProviderFailure, ProviderUtil } from '@cardano-sdk/core'; import type { PaginationOptions } from '@blockfrost/blockfrost-js/lib/types'; import { BlockfrostError } from './BlockfrostClient'; export const isBlockfrostNotFoundError = (error: unknown) => (error instanceof BlockfrostError && error.status === 404) || (error instanceof ProviderError && error.reason === ProviderFailure.NotFound); const buildQueryString = ({ page, count, order }: PaginationOptions) => { let queryString = ''; const appendIfDefined = (value: unknown, param: string) => { if (typeof value !== 'undefined') { queryString += queryString ? `&${param}` : param; } }; appendIfDefined(page, `page=${page}`); appendIfDefined(count, `count=${count}`); appendIfDefined(order, `order=${order}`); return queryString; }; // copied from @cardano-sdk/cardano-services and updated to use custom blockfrost client instead of blockfrost-js export const fetchSequentially = async <Response, Item = Response>( props: { request: (paginationQueryString: string) => Promise<Response[]>; responseTranslator?: (response: Response[]) => Item[]; /** * @returns true to indicatate that current result set should be returned */ haveEnoughItems?: (allItems: Item[], lastResponseBatch: Response[]) => boolean; paginationOptions?: PaginationOptions; }, accumulated: Item[] = [] ): Promise<Item[]> => { const count = props.paginationOptions?.count || 100; const page = props.paginationOptions?.page || 1; try { const response = await props.request(buildQueryString({ count, order: props.paginationOptions?.order, page })); const maybeTranslatedResponse = props.responseTranslator ? props.responseTranslator(response) : response; const newAccumulatedItems = [...accumulated, ...maybeTranslatedResponse] as Item[]; const haveEnoughItems = props.haveEnoughItems?.(newAccumulatedItems, response); if (response.length === count && !haveEnoughItems) { return fetchSequentially<Response, Item>( { ...props, paginationOptions: { ...props.paginationOptions, page: page + 1 } }, newAccumulatedItems ); } return newAccumulatedItems; } catch (error) { Iif (isBlockfrostNotFoundError(error)) { return []; } throw error; } }; /** * Maps txs metadata from blockfrost into to a TxMetadata * * @returns {Cardano.TxMetadata} map with bigint as key and Metadatum as value */ export const blockfrostMetadataToTxMetadata = ( metadata: { label: string; json_metadata: unknown; }[] ): Cardano.TxMetadata => metadata.reduce((map, metadatum) => { const { json_metadata, label } = metadatum; Iif (!json_metadata || !label) return map; map.set(BigInt(label), ProviderUtil.jsonToMetadatum(json_metadata)); return map; }, new Map<bigint, Cardano.Metadatum>()); |