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`${args} ${JSON.stringify(toSerializableObject(values))}\nMISSING PREPARED STATEMENT` : 'text' in args && typeof args.text === 'string' ? `${args.text} ${JSON.stringify(toSerializableObject(args.values))}` : `${JSON.stringify(toSerializableObject({ args, values }))}\nUNEXPECTED QUERY FORMAT`; logger.debug(`Query\n${query}\ntook ${ - startTime} milliseconds`); return result; }; /** * Creates a extended Pool client : * - use passed srv service name in order to resolve the port * - make dealing with failover (re-resolving the port) opaque * - use exponential backoff retry internally with default timeout and factor * - intercept 'query' operation and handle connection errors runtime * - all other operations are bind to pool object without modifications * * @returns pg.Pool instance */ export const getPoolWithServiceDiscovery = async ( dnsResolver: DnsResolver, logger: Logger, { host, database, max, password, ssl, user }: PoolConfig ): Promise<Pool> => { const { name, port } = await dnsResolver(host!); let pool = new Pool({ connectionTimeoutMillis: TIMEOUT, database, host: name, max, password, port, query_timeout: TIMEOUT, ssl, user }); return new Proxy<Pool>({} as Pool, { get(_, prop, receiver) { if (prop === 'then') return; if (prop === 'query') { return (args: string | QueryConfig, values?: any) => timedQuery(pool, logger)(args, values).catch(async (error) => { if (isConnectionError(error)) { const record = await dnsResolver(host!);`DNS resolution for Postgres service, resolved with record: ${JSON.stringify(record)}`); pool = new Pool({ connectionTimeoutMillis: TIMEOUT, database, host:, max, password, port: record.port, query_timeout: TIMEOUT, ssl, user }); return timedQuery(receiver, logger)(args, values); } throw error; }); } // Bind if it is a function, no intercept operations if (typeof pool[prop as keyof Pool] === 'function') { const method = pool[prop as keyof Pool] as any; return method.bind(pool); } return pool[prop as keyof Pool]; } }); }; export const loadSecret = (path: string) => fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8').toString(); // types of 'pg-connection-string' seem to be incorrect: // according to documentation it is either a boolean or a compatible TlsOptions object. const mergeTlsOptions = ( conn: connString.ConnectionOptions, ssl: { ca: string } | undefined ): boolean | TlsOptions | undefined => typeof conn.ssl === 'object' ? { ...(conn.ssl as TlsOptions), ca: ssl?.ca || (conn.ssl as TlsOptions).ca } : ssl || !!conn.ssl; export const connStringToPgConnectionConfig = ( postgresConnectionString: string, { poolSize, ssl }: { poolSize?: number; ssl?: { ca: string }; } = {} ): PgConnectionConfig => { const conn = connString.parse(postgresConnectionString); Iif (!conn.database || ! { throw new InvalidProgramOption('postgresConnectionString'); } return { database: conn.database, host:, password: conn.password, poolSize, port: conn.port ? Number.parseInt(conn.port) : undefined, ssl: mergeTlsOptions(conn, ssl), username: conn.user }; }; export const getConnectionConfig = <Suffix extends ConnectionNames>( dnsResolver: DnsResolver, program: string, suffix: Suffix, options?: PosgresProgramOptions<Suffix> ): Observable<PgConnectionConfig> => { const max = getPostgresOption(suffix, 'postgresPoolMax', options); const postgresConnectionString = getPostgresOption(suffix, 'postgresConnectionString', options); const postgresSslCaFile = getPostgresOption(suffix, 'postgresSslCaFile', options); const ssl = postgresSslCaFile ? { ca: loadSecret(postgresSslCaFile) } : undefined; if (postgresConnectionString) { return of(connStringToPgConnectionConfig(postgresConnectionString, { poolSize: max, ssl })); } const postgresDb = getPostgresOption(suffix, 'postgresDb', options); const postgresPassword = getPostgresOption(suffix, 'postgresPassword', options); const postgresSrvServiceName = getPostgresOption(suffix, 'postgresSrvServiceName', options); const postgresUser = getPostgresOption(suffix, 'postgresUser', options); if (postgresSrvServiceName && postgresUser && postgresDb && postgresPassword) { return defer(() => from( dnsResolver(postgresSrvServiceName).then( (record): PgConnectionConfig => ({ database: postgresDb, host:, password: postgresPassword, port: record.port, ssl, username: postgresUser }) ) ) ); } throw new MissingProgramOption(program, [ 'postgresConnectionString', 'postgresSrvServiceName', 'postgresUser', 'postgresDb', 'postgresPassword' ]); }; export const getPool = async ( dnsResolver: DnsResolver, logger: Logger, options?: PosgresProgramOptions<'DbSync'> ): Promise<Pool | undefined> => { const ssl = options?.postgresSslCaFileDbSync ? { ca: loadSecret(options.postgresSslCaFileDbSync) } : undefined; if (options?.postgresConnectionStringDbSync) { const pool = new Pool({ connectionString: options.postgresConnectionStringDbSync, connectionTimeoutMillis: TIMEOUT, max: options.postgresPoolMaxDbSync, query_timeout: TIMEOUT, ssl }); return new Proxy<Pool>({} as Pool, { get(_, prop) { if (prop === 'then') return; if (prop === 'query') { return timedQuery(pool, logger); } // Bind if it is a function, no intercept operations if (typeof pool[prop as keyof Pool] === 'function') { const method = pool[prop as keyof Pool] as any; return method.bind(pool); } return pool[prop as keyof Pool]; } }); } if ( options?.postgresSrvServiceNameDbSync && options.postgresUserDbSync && options.postgresDbDbSync && options.postgresPasswordDbSync ) { return getPoolWithServiceDiscovery(dnsResolver, logger, { database: options.postgresDbDbSync, host: options.postgresSrvServiceNameDbSync, max: options.postgresPoolMaxDbSync, password: options.postgresPasswordDbSync, ssl, user: options.postgresUserDbSync }); } // If db connection string is not passed nor postgres srv service name return undefined; }; const getSecret = (secretFilePath?: string, secret?: string) => secretFilePath ? loadSecret(secretFilePath) : secret ? secret : undefined; export const connectionStringFromArgs = <Suffix extends ConnectionNames>( args: PosgresProgramOptions<Suffix>, suffix: Suffix ) => { const dbName = getSecret( getPostgresOption(suffix, 'postgresDbFile', args), getPostgresOption(suffix, 'postgresDb', args) ); const dbUser = getSecret( getPostgresOption(suffix, 'postgresUserFile', args), getPostgresOption(suffix, 'postgresUser', args) ); const dbPassword = getSecret( getPostgresOption(suffix, 'postgresPasswordFile', args), getPostgresOption(suffix, 'postgresPassword', args) ); // Setting the connection string takes preference over secrets. // It can also remain undefined since there is no a default value. Usually used locally with static config. let postgresConnectionString = getPostgresOption(suffix, 'postgresConnectionString', args); if (postgresConnectionString) { postgresConnectionString = new URL(postgresConnectionString).toString(); } else { const postgresHost = getPostgresOption(suffix, 'postgresHost', args); const postgresPort = getPostgresOption(suffix, 'postgresPort', args); Iif (dbName && dbPassword && dbUser && postgresHost && postgresPort) postgresConnectionString = `postgresql://${dbUser}:${dbPassword}@${postgresHost}:${postgresPort}/${dbName}`; } return postgresConnectionString; }; |