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Computed '${metadataHash}', expected '${hash}'` ); } // Transform fetched metadata from bytes array to JSON return JSON.parse(data.toString()); } catch (error) { if (axios.isAxiosError(error)) { return new StakePoolMetadataServiceError( StakePoolMetadataServiceFailure.FailedToFetchMetadata, error.toJSON(), `${SERVICE_NAME} failed to fetch metadata JSON from ${url} due to ${error.message}` ); } else IEif (error instanceof StakePoolMetadataServiceError) { return error; } return new StakePoolMetadataServiceError( StakePoolMetadataServiceFailure.Unknown, JSON.stringify(error), `${SERVICE_NAME} failed to fetch metadata JSON from ${url} due to ${ error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'unknown error' }` ); } }, async getValidateStakePoolExtendedMetadata(metadata) { Iif (!metadata?.extDataUrl && !metadata?.extended) return; // Validate CIP-6 ext metadata fields if (metadata.extDataUrl && (!metadata.extSigUrl || !metadata.extVkey)) { return new StakePoolMetadataServiceError( StakePoolMetadataServiceFailure.InvalidMetadata, null, 'Missing ext signature or public key' ); } // Fetch extended metadata (supports both cip-6 and ada pools formats already) try { const extMetadata = await this.getStakePoolExtendedMetadata(metadata); // In case of CIP-6 standard -> perform signature verification if (metadata.extDataUrl && metadata.extSigUrl && metadata.extVkey) { // Based on the CIP-6, we have `extSigUrl` (A URL with the extended metadata signature), so we need to make another HTTP request to get the actual signature try { const signature = (await axiosClient.get<Crypto.Ed25519SignatureHex>(metadata.extSigUrl)).data; const message = HexBlob.fromBytes(Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(extMetadata))); const publicKey = Crypto.Ed25519PublicKeyHex(metadata.extVkey); const bip32Ed25519 = new Crypto.SodiumBip32Ed25519(); // Verify the signature const isSignatureValid = await bip32Ed25519.verify(signature, message, publicKey); // If not valid -> omit extended metadata from response and add specific error if (!isSignatureValid) { return new StakePoolMetadataServiceError( StakePoolMetadataServiceFailure.InvalidExtendedMetadataSignature, null, 'Invalid extended metadata signature' ); } // If signature url failed -> omit extended metadata from response and add specific error } catch (error) { return new StakePoolMetadataServiceError( StakePoolMetadataServiceFailure.FailedToFetchExtendedSignature, error, `${SERVICE_NAME} failed to fetch extended signature from ${metadata.extSigUrl} due to connection error` ); } } return extMetadata; } catch (error) { Iif (error instanceof CustomError) return error; return new StakePoolMetadataServiceError( StakePoolMetadataServiceFailure.Unknown, JSON.stringify(error), `${SERVICE_NAME} failed to get extended metadata due to ${ error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'unknown error' }` ); } } }); |