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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 | 43x 43x 43x 43x 43x 43x 43x 43x 43x 43x 43x 43x 43x 43x 43x 43x 43x 43x 43x 43x 43x 119x | import { Assets } from '../../types'; import { Cardano, EraSummary, Reward } from '@cardano-sdk/core'; import { EMPTY, combineLatest, map } from 'rxjs'; import { GroupedAddress, WitnessedTx } from '@cardano-sdk/key-management'; import { InMemoryCollectionStore } from './InMemoryCollectionStore'; import { InMemoryDocumentStore } from './InMemoryDocumentStore'; import { InMemoryKeyValueStore } from './InMemoryKeyValueStore'; import { OutgoingOnChainTx, TxInFlight } from '../../services'; import { WalletStores } from '../types'; export class InMemoryTipStore extends InMemoryDocumentStore<Cardano.Tip> {} export class InMemoryPolicyIdsStore extends InMemoryDocumentStore<Cardano.PolicyId[]> {} export class InMemoryProtocolParametersStore extends InMemoryDocumentStore<Cardano.ProtocolParameters> {} export class InMemoryGenesisParametersStore extends InMemoryDocumentStore<Cardano.CompactGenesis> {} export class InMemoryEraSummariesStore extends InMemoryDocumentStore<EraSummary[]> {} export class InMemoryDelegationPortfolioStore extends InMemoryDocumentStore<Cardano.Cip17DelegationPortfolio> {} export class InMemoryAssetsStore extends InMemoryDocumentStore<Assets> {} export class InMemoryAddressesStore extends InMemoryDocumentStore<GroupedAddress[]> {} export class InMemoryInFlightTransactionsStore extends InMemoryDocumentStore<TxInFlight[]> {} export class InMemoryVolatileTransactionsStore extends InMemoryDocumentStore<OutgoingOnChainTx[]> {} export class InMemorySignedTransactionsStore extends InMemoryDocumentStore<WitnessedTx[]> {} export class InMemoryTransactionsStore extends InMemoryCollectionStore<Cardano.HydratedTx> {} export class InMemoryUtxoStore extends InMemoryCollectionStore<Cardano.Utxo> {} export class InMemoryUnspendableUtxoStore extends InMemoryCollectionStore<Cardano.Utxo> {} export class InMemoryRewardsHistoryStore extends InMemoryKeyValueStore<Cardano.RewardAccount, Reward[]> {} export class InMemoryRewardAccountInfoStore extends InMemoryKeyValueStore< Cardano.RewardAccount, Cardano.RewardAccountInfo > {} export class InMemoryStakePoolsStore extends InMemoryKeyValueStore<Cardano.PoolId, Cardano.StakePool> {} export const createInMemoryWalletStores = (): WalletStores => ({ addresses: new InMemoryAddressesStore(), assets: new InMemoryAssetsStore(), delegationPortfolio: new InMemoryDelegationPortfolioStore(), destroy() { Iif (!this.destroyed) { this.destroyed = true; return combineLatest([ this.addresses.destroy(), this.assets.destroy(), this.genesisParameters.destroy(), this.protocolParameters.destroy(), this.eraSummaries.destroy(), this.unspendableUtxo.destroy(), this.rewardsHistory.destroy(), this.rewardAccountInfo.destroy(), this.stakePools.destroy(), this.tip.destroy(), this.transactions.destroy(), this.inFlightTransactions.destroy(), this.volatileTransactions.destroy(), this.utxo.destroy(), this.policyIds.destroy() ]).pipe(map(() => void 0)); } return EMPTY; }, destroyed: false, eraSummaries: new InMemoryEraSummariesStore(), genesisParameters: new InMemoryGenesisParametersStore(), inFlightTransactions: new InMemoryInFlightTransactionsStore(), policyIds: new InMemoryPolicyIdsStore(), protocolParameters: new InMemoryProtocolParametersStore(), rewardAccountInfo: new InMemoryRewardAccountInfoStore(), rewardsHistory: new InMemoryRewardsHistoryStore(), signedTransactions: new InMemorySignedTransactionsStore(), stakePools: new InMemoryStakePoolsStore(), tip: new InMemoryTipStore(), transactions: new InMemoryTransactionsStore(), unspendableUtxo: new InMemoryUnspendableUtxoStore(), utxo: new InMemoryUtxoStore(), volatileTransactions: new InMemoryVolatileTransactionsStore() }); |