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[...assets.keys()] : [])); const flatUniqueAssetIds = (txes: Cardano.OnChainTx[]) => uniq(txes.flatMap(uniqueAssetIds)); export const createAssetsTracker = ( { assetProvider, transactionsTracker: { history$ }, retryBackoffConfig, logger, onFatalError }: AssetsTrackerProps, { assetService = createAssetService(assetProvider, retryBackoffConfig, onFatalError) }: AssetsTrackerInternals = {} ) => new Observable<Map<Cardano.AssetId, Asset.AssetInfo>>((subscriber) => { let fetchedAssetInfoMap = new Map<Cardano.AssetId, Asset.AssetInfo>(); const allAssetIds = new Set<Cardano.AssetId>(); const sharedHistory$ = history$.pipe(share()); return concat( sharedHistory$.pipe( map((historyTxs) => uniq(historyTxs.flatMap(uniqueAssetIds))), tap((assetIds) => logger.debug( assetIds.length > 0 ? `Historical total assets: ${assetIds.length}` : 'Setting assetProvider stats as initialized' ) ), tap((assetIds) => assetIds.length === 0 && assetProvider.setStatInitialized(assetProvider.stats.getAsset$)), take(1) ), newTransactions$(sharedHistory$).pipe( bufferTick(), map(flatUniqueAssetIds), map((assetIds) => { const newAssetIds = assetIds.filter((assetId) => !allAssetIds.has(assetId)); // re-fetch all asset infos that either // - weren't fetched yet // - were fetched with incomplete metadata const assetIdsToRefetch = [...allAssetIds.values()].filter((assetId) => { const assetInfo = fetchedAssetInfoMap.get(assetId); return !assetInfo || !isAssetInfoComplete(assetInfo); }); // When we see a CIP-68 reference NFT, it means metadata for a user NFT that we own might have changed const assetsWithCip68MetadataUpdates = assetIds .map((assetId) => { const assetName = Cardano.AssetId.getAssetName(assetId); const decoded = Asset.AssetNameLabel.decode(assetName); if (decoded?.label === Asset.AssetNameLabelNum.ReferenceNFT) { return Cardano.AssetId.fromParts( Cardano.AssetId.getPolicyId(assetId), Asset.AssetNameLabel.encode(decoded.content, Asset.AssetNameLabelNum.UserNFT) ); } }) .filter(isNotNil); return uniq([...newAssetIds, ...assetIdsToRefetch, ...assetsWithCip68MetadataUpdates]); }), filter((assetIds) => assetIds.length > 0) ) ) .pipe( tap((assetIds) => { for (const assetId of assetIds) { allAssetIds.add(assetId); } }), // Restart inner observable if there are new assets to be fetched, // otherwise the whole pipe will hang waiting for all assetInfos to resolve switchMap((assetIdsToFetch) => (assetIdsToFetch.length > 0 ? assetService(assetIdsToFetch) : of([]))), map((fetchedAssetInfos) => [...[...fetchedAssetInfoMap.values()].filter(isNotNil), ...fetchedAssetInfos]), distinctUntilChanged(deepEquals), // It optimizes to not process duplicate emissions of the assets tap((assetInfos) => logger.debug(`Got metadata for ${assetInfos.length} assets`)), map((assetInfos) => new Map( => [assetInfo.assetId, assetInfo]))), tap((v) => (fetchedAssetInfoMap = v)) ) .subscribe(subscriber); }); |