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Iif (!address) return false; return Cardano.RewardAccount.toHash(rewardAccount) === address.getStakeCredential().hash; }) .map((utxo) => utxo[1].value.coins) .reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0n); /** * Gets the deposited amount by this selection to a given reward account. * * @param rewardAccount The reward account that we want to query. * @param outputs The outputs in the selection. */ const getDepositToRewardAccount = (rewardAccount: Cardano.RewardAccount, outputs: Array<Cardano.TxOut>) => outputs .filter((txOut) => { const address = Cardano.Address.fromString(txOut.address)?.asBase(); // Address may not have stake credential. if (!address) return false; return Cardano.RewardAccount.toHash(rewardAccount) === address.getStakeCredential().hash; }) .map((txOut) => txOut.value.coins) .reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0n); /** * Gets a payment address from our known addresses that match the given reward account. * * @param knownAddresses The wallet know addresses. * @param account The reward account we are looking for. */ const getAddressForRewardAccount = (knownAddresses: Array<GroupedAddress>, account: Cardano.RewardAccount) => knownAddresses.find((groupedAddress) => groupedAddress.rewardAccount === account); /** * Creates a list of buckets (one for each entry in the delegation portfolio). It will also compute the updated delegated amounts * and percentages after applying the changes of the selection to the wallet state. * * @param selection The current selection of inputs to satisfy the outputs in the transaction. * @param delegateAmounts The delegated stake amounts to each pool. * @param portfolio The current delegation portfolio. * @param knownAddresses The list of known addresses. */ const createBuckets = ( selection: Selection, delegateAmounts: Array<DelegatedStake>, portfolio: Cardano.Cip17DelegationPortfolio, knownAddresses: Array<GroupedAddress> ): Array<Bucket> => { const buckets = new Array<Bucket>(); const inputs = [...selection.inputs]; const outputs = [...selection.outputs]; // We need to 'apply' the transaction, by deducting the balance used in inputs from our addresses and adding any balance // in the outputs that are going to our addresses before distributing the change. const totalStakeDelegatedBeforeTx = => delegated.stake).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0n); const balanceInChange = getBalanceInTxOuts(selection.change); const negativeBalance = getSpentInInputs(knownAddresses, inputs) + selection.fee; const positiveBalance = getBalanceFromOutputs(knownAddresses, outputs) + balanceInChange; const totalStake = totalStakeDelegatedBeforeTx + positiveBalance - negativeBalance; const totalWeight = => pool.weight).reduce((sum, current) => sum + current, 0); const weightsAsPercent = new Map( => [, pool.weight / totalWeight])); for (const delegated of delegateAmounts) { Iif (delegated.rewardAccounts.length === 0) throw new InvalidStateError(`No reward accounts delegating to pool '${}'.`); const account = delegated.rewardAccounts[0]; const groupedAddress = getAddressForRewardAccount(knownAddresses, account); Iif (!groupedAddress) throw new InvalidStateError(`Reward account '${account}' unknown.`); const adjustedStake = delegated.stake - getSpentFromRewardAccount(account, inputs) + getDepositToRewardAccount(account, outputs); const percentageForPool = weightsAsPercent.get(delegated.pool.hexId); Iif (percentageForPool === undefined) throw new InvalidStateError(`Pool '${}' not found in the portfolio.`); // Shouldn't happen. buckets.push({ address: groupedAddress.address, capacity: BigInt(new BigNumber(totalStake.toString()).multipliedBy(percentageForPool).toFixed(0, 0)), change: new Array<Cardano.TxOut>(), filledAmount: adjustedStake }); } return buckets; }; /** * Computes the gap of the given bucket. The gap is defined as the difference between bucket capacity and the currently filled * quantity, normalized as a number between 0 and 1. * * @param bucket The bucket to compute the gap for. */ const getBucketGap = (bucket: Bucket) => { // We need to avoid a division by 0 here. If capacity is 0, we just return a gap of 0. if (bucket.capacity === 0n) return new BigNumber('0'); const capacity = new BigNumber(bucket.capacity.toString()); const filledAmount = new BigNumber(bucket.filledAmount.toString()); return capacity.minus(filledAmount).dividedBy(capacity); }; /** * Picks the next bucket to fill, the bucket with the biggest gap will be chosen. * * @param buckets The list of available buckets. */ const pickBucket = (buckets: Array<Bucket>) => buckets.sort((a, b) => { const gapA = getBucketGap(a); const gapB = getBucketGap(b); if (gapB.isGreaterThan(gapA)) { return 1; } else if (gapB.isLessThan(gapA)) { return -1; } return 0; })[0]; /** * Distributing change is related to a class of problems called "multiway number partitioning", which is NP-hard. If the problem * size is small (such as is our case), more exact methods such as dynamic programming or integer programming could be used, * but since this is still a POC, for simplicity’s sake, we are implementing a simplified and iterative approach to * solve this: * * 1 - Sort the change list in descending order. The reason to sort is to allocate the largest change outputs first to * the 'buckets' with the largest gap, and the smaller outputs to the buckets with smaller gaps, reducing wasted change (over flow). * 2 - For each change output, add it to the bucket that currently has the largest gap and is not overflowed. * 3 - Repeat until all change outputs are in a bucket. * * This will yield a reasonable approximation to the optimal distribution of change, giving priority to buckets with larger * gaps, but at the same time making sure we are not 'wasting' change by overflowing a single bucket too much. * * TODO: Explore more exact algorithms for change distribution. The approach we have followed here is a greedy heuristic, which can * provide reasonable solutions quickly but is not guaranteed to find the optimal solution. It might be feasible to use a more * rigorous approach such as integer programming, simulated annealing, or a complete search, which could examine all possible * assignments of change outputs to buckets and select the one that most closely matches the desired proportions. However, * these methods can be computationally intensive and may not be practical, and probably overkill for our use case (To be determined). * * @param changeOutputs The list of change outputs to be distributed. * @param prefilledBuckets The list of buckets, we should have one bucket per entry in the delegation distribution portfolio. * @returns A list of buckets with the given change outputs distributed in a way that closely matches the expected distribution (best effort). */ const distributeChange = (changeOutputs: Array<Cardano.TxOut>, prefilledBuckets: Array<Bucket>): Array<Bucket> => { const buckets = [...prefilledBuckets]; const sortedOutputs = changeOutputs.sort((a, b) => { Iif (a.value.coins > b.value.coins) { return 1; } else Iif (a.value.coins < b.value.coins) { return -1; } return 0; }); while (sortedOutputs.length > 0) { const bucket = pickBucket(buckets); const selected = sortedOutputs.splice(0, 1)[0]; bucket.change.push(selected); bucket.filledAmount += selected.value.coins; } for (const bucket of buckets) { bucket.change = => { txOut.address = bucket.address; return txOut; }); } return buckets; }; /** * Gets whether the portfolio pools matches the current stake distribution pools. * * @param portfolio The staking portfolio. * @param distribution the distribution. * @returns true if both matches, otherwise; false. */ export const delegationMatchesPortfolio = ( portfolio: Cardano.Cip17DelegationPortfolio, distribution: DelegatedStake[] ): boolean => { const portfolioPools = uniq( =>; const delegationPools = uniq( => delegatedStake.pool.hexId)).sort(); return isEqual(portfolioPools, delegationPools); }; /** Gets the current delegation portfolio. */ export type GetDelegationPortfolio = () => Promise<Cardano.Cip17DelegationPortfolio | null>; /** Resolves the address to be used for change. */ export class DynamicChangeAddressResolver implements ChangeAddressResolver { readonly #getDelegationPortfolio: GetDelegationPortfolio; readonly #delegationDistribution: DelegationTracker['distribution$']; readonly #addresses$: Observable<GroupedAddress[]>; readonly #logger: Logger; /** * Initializes a new instance of the StakeDistributionChangeAddressResolver. * * @param addresses$ The wallet known addresses. * @param delegationDistribution The wallet delegation distribution observable. * @param getDelegationPortfolio The current delegation portfolio. * @param logger The logger instance. */ constructor( addresses$: Observable<GroupedAddress[]>, delegationDistribution: DelegationTracker['distribution$'], getDelegationPortfolio: GetDelegationPortfolio, logger: Logger ) { this.#getDelegationPortfolio = getDelegationPortfolio; this.#delegationDistribution = delegationDistribution; this.#addresses$ = addresses$; this.#logger = logger; } /** Resolve the change addresses for change outputs that better maintains the desired stake distribution. */ async resolve(selection: Selection): Promise<Array<Cardano.TxOut>> { const delegationDistribution = [...(await firstValueFrom(this.#delegationDistribution)).values()]; let portfolio = await this.#getDelegationPortfolio(); const addresses = sortAddresses(await firstValueFrom(this.#addresses$)); let updatedChange = [...selection.change]; if (addresses.length === 0) throw new InvalidStateError('The wallet has no known addresses.'); // If the wallet is not delegating to any pool, fall back to giving all change to the first derived address. if (delegationDistribution.length === 0) { updatedChange = => { txOut.address = addresses[0].address; return txOut; }); return updatedChange; } // If only one delegation is found, assign all change to that reward account. if (delegationDistribution.length === 1) { if (delegationDistribution[0].rewardAccounts.length === 0) throw new InvalidStateError(`No reward accounts delegating to pool '${delegationDistribution[0]}'.`); // Several reward accounts could be delegated to the same pool, in this case it doesn't // matter which one we chose to place the stake at. const groupedAddress = addresses.find( (address) => address.rewardAccount === delegationDistribution[0].rewardAccounts[0] ); if (!groupedAddress) throw new InvalidStateError(`Reward account '${delegationDistribution[0].rewardAccounts[0]}' unknown.`); updatedChange = => { txOut.address = groupedAddress.address; return txOut; }); return updatedChange; } // If the portfolio doesn't match the current delegation (same pools), this strategy won't work, we can't guess // where to put the balance, we will fall back to even distribution and log a warning. if (!portfolio || !delegationMatchesPortfolio(portfolio, delegationDistribution)) { this.#logger.warn('The portfolio doesnt match current wallet delegation.'); this.#logger.warn(`Portfolio: ${portfolio}`); const pools = => ({ id: stake.pool.hexId, weight: 1 / delegationDistribution.length })); portfolio = { name: 'Default Portfolio', pools }; } const buckets = createBuckets(selection, delegationDistribution, portfolio, addresses); const updatedBuckets = distributeChange(selection.change, buckets); updatedChange = new Array<Cardano.TxOut>(); for (const bucket of updatedBuckets) { updatedChange = [...updatedChange, ...bucket.change]; } return updatedChange; } } |