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0n : null; }; const nextDeposit = ( rewardAccount: Cardano.RewardAccount, txsInFlight: TxInFlight[], depositAmount: Cardano.Lovelace ): Cardano.Lovelace | null => { const stakeCredentialHash = Cardano.RewardAccount.toHash(rewardAccount); // try to find the last relevant certificate to take effect for (let txIndex = txsInFlight.length - 1; txIndex >= 0; txIndex--) { const certificates = txsInFlight[txIndex].body.certificates || []; for (let certIndex = certificates.length - 1; certIndex >= 0; certIndex--) { const certificate = certificates[certIndex]; if ( certificate.__typename === Cardano.CertificateType.StakeDeregistration && certificate.stakeCredential.hash === stakeCredentialHash ) { return 0n; } Iif ( (certificate.__typename === Cardano.CertificateType.StakeRegistration || certificate.__typename === Cardano.CertificateType.StakeRegistrationDelegation || certificate.__typename === Cardano.CertificateType.StakeVoteRegistrationDelegation) && certificate.stakeCredential.hash === stakeCredentialHash ) { return depositAmount; } } } return null; }; export const createRewardAccountsTracker = ({ rewardAccountAddresses$, rewardAccountInfoProvider, store, newTransaction$, protocolParameters$, transactionsInFlight$ }: { rewardAccountAddresses$: Observable<Cardano.RewardAccount[]>; store: WalletStores['rewardAccountInfo']; rewardAccountInfoProvider: ObservableRewardAccountInfoProvider; newTransaction$: Observable<Cardano.OnChainTx>; protocolParameters$: Observable<Pick<Cardano.ProtocolParameters, 'stakeKeyDeposit'>>; transactionsInFlight$: Observable<TxInFlight[]>; }) => rewardAccountAddresses$.pipe( // TODO: // eslint-disable-next-line sonarjs/cognitive-complexity switchMap((rewardAccounts) => combineLatest( => concat( store.getValues([rewardAccount]).pipe(mergeMap((values) => (values.length > 0 ? of(values[0]) : EMPTY))), newTransaction$.pipe(filter(affectsRewardAccount(rewardAccount)), startWith(null)).pipe( switchMap(() => rewardAccountInfoProvider(rewardAccount).pipe( tap((rewardAccountInfo) => store.setValue(rewardAccount, rewardAccountInfo).subscribe()), blockingWithLatestFrom(protocolParameters$), switchMap(([rewardAccountInfo, { stakeKeyDeposit }]) => transactionsInFlight$.pipe( map((txsInFlight): Cardano.RewardAccountInfo => { if (txsInFlight.length === 0) return rewardAccountInfo; const nextDepositValue = nextDeposit(rewardAccount, txsInFlight, BigInt(stakeKeyDeposit)); return { ...rewardAccountInfo, credentialStatus: typeof nextDepositValue === 'bigint' ? nextDepositValue > 0n ? Cardano.StakeCredentialStatus.Registering : Cardano.StakeCredentialStatus.Unregistering : rewardAccountInfo.credentialStatus, // this ensures that rewards and deposit are not being spent twice if chaining transactions // as well as updates balance with deposit while transaction is in flight deposit: nextDepositValue ?? rewardAccountInfo.deposit, rewardBalance: nextRewardBalance(rewardAccount, txsInFlight) ?? rewardAccountInfo.rewardBalance // this may be extended to update dRepDelegatee and delegatee // based on pending transaction rather than waiting for tx confirmation }; }) // do not emit when transaction is removed from transactionsInFlight$ due to seeing this tx on chain; // this will be unsubscribed due to outer switchMap that looks for onChain$ tx that affects this reward account // TODO: test how this behaves when inFlight$ emits at the same time as newTransaction$ // delay(1) ) ) ) ) ) ).pipe(distinctUntilChanged<Cardano.RewardAccountInfo>(isEqual)) ) ) ) ); |