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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 | 42x 42x 42x 42x 42x 42x 42x 42x 126x 462x 115x 42x 42x 126x 124x 103x 103x 21x 21x 42x 131x 138x 134x 138x 42x 132x 131x 131x 5x 130x 130x 130x 135x 135x 20x 20x 115x 115x 115x | import { BigIntMath, isNotNil } from '@cardano-sdk/util'; import { Cardano, Reward, getCertificatesByType } from '@cardano-sdk/core'; import { KeyValueStore } from '../../persistence'; import { Logger } from 'ts-log'; import { Observable, concat, distinctUntilChanged, map, of, switchMap, tap } from 'rxjs'; import { RetryBackoffConfig } from 'backoff-rxjs'; import { RewardsHistory } from '../types'; import { TrackedRewardsProvider } from '../ProviderTracker'; import { TxWithEpoch } from './types'; import { coldObservableProvider } from '@cardano-sdk/util-rxjs'; import first from 'lodash/first.js'; import flatten from 'lodash/flatten.js'; import sortBy from 'lodash/sortBy.js'; const DELEGATION_EPOCHS_AHEAD_COUNT = 2; export const calcFirstDelegationEpoch = (epoch: Cardano.EpochNo): number => epoch + DELEGATION_EPOCHS_AHEAD_COUNT; const sumRewards = (arrayOfRewards: Reward[]) => BigIntMath.sum({ rewards }) => rewards)); const avgReward = (arrayOfRewards: Reward[]) => sumRewards(arrayOfRewards) / BigInt(arrayOfRewards.length); export const createRewardsHistoryProvider = (rewardsProvider: TrackedRewardsProvider, retryBackoffConfig: RetryBackoffConfig) => ( rewardAccounts: Cardano.RewardAccount[], lowerBound: Cardano.EpochNo | null, onFatalError?: (value: unknown) => void ): Observable<Map<Cardano.RewardAccount, Reward[]>> => { if (lowerBound) { return coldObservableProvider({ onFatalError, provider: () => rewardsProvider.rewardsHistory({ epochs: { lowerBound }, rewardAccounts }), retryBackoffConfig }); } rewardsProvider.setStatInitialized(rewardsProvider.stats.rewardsHistory$); return of(new Map()); }; export type RewardsHistoryProvider = ReturnType<typeof createRewardsHistoryProvider>; const firstDelegationEpoch$ = (transactions$: Observable<TxWithEpoch[]>, rewardAccounts: Cardano.RewardAccount[]) => transactions$.pipe( map((transactions) => first( transactions.filter( ({ tx }) => getCertificatesByType(tx, rewardAccounts, Cardano.StakeDelegationCertificateTypes).length > 0 ) ) ), map((tx) => (isNotNil(tx) ? calcFirstDelegationEpoch(tx.epoch) : null)), distinctUntilChanged() ); export const createRewardsHistoryTracker = ( transactions$: Observable<TxWithEpoch[]>, rewardAccounts$: Observable<Cardano.RewardAccount[]>, rewardsHistoryProvider: RewardsHistoryProvider, rewardsHistoryStore: KeyValueStore<Cardano.RewardAccount, Reward[]>, logger: Logger, onFatalError?: (value: unknown) => void // eslint-disable-next-line max-params ): Observable<RewardsHistory> => rewardAccounts$ .pipe( tap((rewardsAccounts) => logger.debug(`Fetching rewards for ${rewardsAccounts.length} accounts`)), switchMap((rewardAccounts) => concat( rewardsHistoryStore .getValues(rewardAccounts) .pipe(map((rewards) => new Map(, i) => [rewardAccount, rewards[i]])))), firstDelegationEpoch$(transactions$, rewardAccounts).pipe( tap((firstEpoch) => logger.debug(`Fetching history rewards since epoch ${firstEpoch}`)), switchMap((firstEpoch) => rewardsHistoryProvider(rewardAccounts, Cardano.EpochNo(firstEpoch!), onFatalError) ), tap((allRewards) => rewardsHistoryStore.setAll([...allRewards.entries()].map(([key, value]) => ({ key, value }))) ) ) ) ) ) .pipe( map((rewardsByAccount) => { const all = sortBy(flatten([...rewardsByAccount.values()]), 'epoch'); if (all.length === 0) { logger.debug('No rewards found'); return { all: [], avgReward: null, lastReward: null, lifetimeRewards: 0n } as RewardsHistory; } const rewardsHistory: RewardsHistory = { all, avgReward: avgReward(all), lastReward: all[all.length - 1], lifetimeRewards: sumRewards(all) }; logger.debug( `Rewards between epochs ${rewardsHistory.all[0].epoch} and ${ rewardsHistory.all[rewardsHistory.all.length - 1].epoch }`, `average:${rewardsHistory.avgReward}`, `lastRewards:${rewardsHistory.lastReward}`, `lifetimeRewards:${rewardsHistory.lifetimeRewards}` ); return rewardsHistory; }) ); |