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It * also caches fetched transactions to optimize subsequent input resolutions. * * @param provider The backend provider used to fetch transactions by their hashes if * they are not found by the inputResolver. * @returns An input resolver that can fetch unresolved inputs from the backend. */ export const createBackendInputResolver = (provider: ChainHistoryProvider): Cardano.InputResolver => { const txCache = new Map<Cardano.TransactionId, Cardano.Tx>(); const fetchAndCacheTransaction = async (txId: Cardano.TransactionId): Promise<Cardano.Tx | null> => { if (txCache.has(txId)) { return txCache.get(txId)!; } const txs = await provider.transactionsByHashes({ ids: [txId] }); if (txs.length > 0) { txCache.set(txId, txs[0]); return txs[0]; } return null; }; return { async resolveInput(input: Cardano.TxIn, options?: Cardano.ResolveOptions) { // Add hints to the cache if (options?.hints && options.hints?.transactions) { for (const hint of options.hints.transactions) { txCache.set(, hint); } } const tx = await fetchAndCacheTransaction(input.txId); if (!tx) return null; return tx.body.outputs.length > input.index ? tx.body.outputs[input.index] : null; } }; }; /** * Combines multiple input resolvers into a single resolver. * * @param resolvers The input resolvers to combine. */ export const combineInputResolvers = (...resolvers: Cardano.InputResolver[]): Cardano.InputResolver => ({ async resolveInput(txIn: Cardano.TxIn, options?: Cardano.ResolveOptions) { for (const resolver of resolvers) { const resolved = await resolver.resolveInput(txIn, options); if (resolved) return resolved; } return null; } }); /** * @returns common wallet utility functions that are aware of wallet state and computes useful things */ export const createWalletUtil = (context: WalletUtilContext) => ({ ...createOutputValidator({ protocolParameters: () => firstValueFrom(context.protocolParameters$) }), ...(context.chainHistoryProvider ? combineInputResolvers(createInputResolver(context), createBackendInputResolver(context.chainHistoryProvider)) : createInputResolver(context)) }); export type WalletUtil = ReturnType<typeof createWalletUtil>; /** All transaction inputs and collaterals must come from our utxo set */ const hasForeignInputs = ( { body: { inputs, collaterals = [] } }: { body: Pick<Cardano.TxBody, 'inputs' | 'collaterals'> }, utxoSet: Cardano.Utxo[] ): boolean => [...inputs, ...collaterals].some((txIn) => utxoSet.every((utxo) => !txInEquals(txIn, utxo[0]))); /** Wallet does not include committee certificate keys, so they cannot be signed */ const hasCommitteeCertificates = ({ certificates }: Cardano.TxBody) => (certificates || []).some( (certificate) => certificate.__typename === Cardano.CertificateType.AuthorizeCommitteeHot || certificate.__typename === Cardano.CertificateType.ResignCommitteeCold ); /** * Gets whether the given transaction has certificates that require a witness that can not be provided by the script wallet. * * @param rewardAccount The reward account of the script wallet. * @param certificates The certificates to inspect. */ // eslint-disable-next-line complexity const scriptWalletHasForeignCertificates = ( rewardAccount: Cardano.RewardAccount, certificates?: Cardano.Certificate[] // eslint-disable-next-line sonarjs/cognitive-complexity ) => { Iif (!certificates) { return false; } const scriptHash = Cardano.RewardAccount.toHash(rewardAccount); for (const certificate of certificates) { switch (certificate.__typename) { case Cardano.CertificateType.Registration: case Cardano.CertificateType.StakeRegistration: case Cardano.CertificateType.GenesisKeyDelegation: continue; // Doesnt require signature. case Cardano.CertificateType.StakeDeregistration: case Cardano.CertificateType.StakeDelegation: case Cardano.CertificateType.Unregistration: case Cardano.CertificateType.VoteDelegation: case Cardano.CertificateType.StakeVoteDelegation: case Cardano.CertificateType.StakeRegistrationDelegation: case Cardano.CertificateType.VoteRegistrationDelegation: case Cardano.CertificateType.MIR: case Cardano.CertificateType.StakeVoteRegistrationDelegation: { if ( !certificate.stakeCredential || certificate.stakeCredential.type !== Cardano.CredentialType.ScriptHash || certificate.stakeCredential.hash !== scriptHash ) { return true; } break; } case Cardano.CertificateType.PoolRegistration: { const account = certificate.poolParameters.owners.find((acct) => acct === rewardAccount); if (!account) { return true; } break; } case Cardano.CertificateType.PoolRetirement: { const poolId = Cardano.PoolId.fromKeyHash( Cardano.RewardAccount.toHash(rewardAccount) as unknown as Ed25519KeyHashHex ); if (certificate.poolId !== poolId) { return true; } } break; case Cardano.CertificateType.RegisterDelegateRepresentative: case Cardano.CertificateType.UnregisterDelegateRepresentative: case Cardano.CertificateType.UpdateDelegateRepresentative: if ( !certificate.dRepCredential || certificate.dRepCredential.type !== Cardano.CredentialType.ScriptHash || certificate.dRepCredential.hash !== scriptHash ) { return true; } break; case Cardano.CertificateType.AuthorizeCommitteeHot: case Cardano.CertificateType.ResignCommitteeCold: return true; } } return false; }; /** * Until CIP-095 supports script credential for dReps, we cant witness any voting procedures as the only * voter type for this type of wallet is DrepScriptHashVoter */ const scriptWalletHasForeignVotingProcedures = ( rewardAccount: Cardano.RewardAccount, votingProcedures?: Cardano.VotingProcedures ) => { if (!votingProcedures) { return false; } for (const procedure of votingProcedures) { switch (procedure.voter.__typename) { case Cardano.VoterType.ccHotKeyHash: case Cardano.VoterType.ccHotScriptHash: case Cardano.VoterType.stakePoolKeyHash: case Cardano.VoterType.dRepKeyHash: return true; case Cardano.VoterType.dRepScriptHash: { const scriptHash = Cardano.RewardAccount.toHash(rewardAccount) as unknown as Crypto.Hash28ByteBase16; if (procedure.voter.credential.hash !== scriptHash) { return true; } } } } return false; }; /** * Gets whether the given TX requires signatures that can not be provided by the given wallet. * * @param tx The transaction to inspect. * @param wallet The wallet that will provide the signatures. * @returns true if the wallet can not sign all inputs/certificates; otherwise; false. */ export const requiresForeignSignatures = async (tx: Cardano.Tx, wallet: ObservableWallet): Promise<boolean> => { const utxoSet = await firstValueFrom($); const knownAddresses = await firstValueFrom(wallet.addresses$); const isScriptWallet = knownAddresses.some((address) => isScriptAddress(address)); if (isScriptWallet) { const scriptAddresses = => address as ScriptAddress); // Script addresses have a single payment credential and stake credential. return ( hasForeignInputs(tx, utxoSet) || scriptWalletHasForeignCertificates(scriptAddresses[0].rewardAccount, tx.body.certificates) || scriptWalletHasForeignVotingProcedures(scriptAddresses[0].rewardAccount, tx.body.votingProcedures) ); } const keyHashAddresses = => address as GroupedAddress); const uniqueAccounts: KeyManagementUtil.StakeKeySignerData[] = uniqBy(keyHashAddresses, 'rewardAccount') .map((groupedAddress) => { const stakeKeyHash = Cardano.RewardAccount.toHash(groupedAddress.rewardAccount) as unknown as Ed25519KeyHashHex; return { derivationPath: groupedAddress.stakeKeyDerivationPath, poolId: Cardano.PoolId.fromKeyHash(stakeKeyHash), rewardAccount: groupedAddress.rewardAccount, stakeKeyHash }; }) .filter((acct): acct is KeyManagementUtil.StakeKeySignerData => acct.derivationPath !== null); const dRepKey = await wallet.governance.getPubDRepKey(); const dRepKeyHash = dRepKey ? (await Crypto.Ed25519PublicKey.fromHex(dRepKey).hash()).hex() : undefined; return ( hasForeignInputs(tx, utxoSet) || KeyManagementUtil.checkStakeCredentialCertificates(uniqueAccounts, tx.body).requiresForeignSignatures || (dRepKeyHash && KeyManagementUtil.getDRepCredentialKeyPaths({ dRepKeyHash, txBody: tx.body }).requiresForeignSignatures) || (dRepKeyHash && KeyManagementUtil.getVotingProcedureKeyPaths({ dRepKeyHash, groupedAddresses: keyHashAddresses, txBody: tx.body }) .requiresForeignSignatures) || hasCommitteeCertificates(tx.body) ); }; |