All files / src types.ts

88.88% Statements 8/9
100% Branches 3/3
66.66% Functions 2/3
100% Lines 4/4

Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.

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import type {
} from '@cardano-sdk/core';
import type { BalanceTracker, DelegationTracker, TransactionsTracker, UtxoTracker } from './services';
import type { Cip30DataSignature } from '@cardano-sdk/dapp-connector';
import type { Ed25519PublicKeyHex } from '@cardano-sdk/crypto';
import type {
} from '@cardano-sdk/key-management';
import type { HexBlob, Shutdown } from '@cardano-sdk/util';
import type { InitializeTxProps, InitializeTxResult, TxBuilder, TxContext } from '@cardano-sdk/tx-construction';
import type { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import type { PubStakeKeyAndStatus } from './services/PublicStakeKeysTracker';
export type Assets = Map<Cardano.AssetId, Asset.AssetInfo>;
export type SignDataProps = Omit<cip8.Cip30SignDataRequest, 'knownAddresses'>;
export interface SyncStatus extends Shutdown {
   * Emits:
   * - `true` while waiting for any provider request to resolve
   * - `false` while there are no provider requests waiting to resolve
  isAnyRequestPending$: Observable<boolean>;
   * Emits after wallet makes at least one request with each relevant provider method:
   * - `false` on load
   * - `true` when all provider requests resolve
   * - `false` when some provider request(s) do not resolve for some time (determined by specific wallet implementation)
  isUpToDate$: Observable<boolean>;
   * Emits after wallet makes at least one request with each relevant provider method:
   * - `false` on load
   * - `true` while there are no provider requests waiting to resolve
   * - `false` while waiting for any provider request to resolve
  isSettled$: Observable<boolean>;
 * If tx is the transaction CBOR, the auxiliary data, witness and isValid properties are ignored.
 * If tx is `Cardano.TxBodyWithHash`, the transaction is reconstructed from along with the other
 * provided properties.
export type FinalizeTxProps = Omit<TxContext, 'signingContext'> & {
  tx: Cardano.TxBodyWithHash | Serialization.TxCBOR;
  bodyCbor?: HexBlob;
  signingContext?: Partial<SignTransactionContext>;
export type AddSignaturesProps = {
  tx: Serialization.TxCBOR;
  sender?: MessageSender;
export type HandleInfo = HandleResolution & Asset.AssetInfo;
export interface ScriptAddress {
  networkId: Cardano.NetworkId;
  address: Cardano.PaymentAddress;
  rewardAccount: Cardano.RewardAccount;
  scripts: {
    payment: Cardano.NativeScript;
    stake: Cardano.NativeScript;
export type WalletAddress = GroupedAddress | ScriptAddress;
export const isScriptAddress = (address: WalletAddress): address is ScriptAddress => 'scripts' in address;
export const isKeyHashAddress = (address: WalletAddress): address is GroupedAddress => !isScriptAddress(address);
export const isTxBodyWithHash = (tx: Serialization.TxCBOR | Cardano.TxBodyWithHash): tx is Cardano.TxBodyWithHash =>
  typeof tx === 'object' && 'hash' in tx && 'body' in tx;
export interface ObservableWallet {
  readonly balance: BalanceTracker;
   * dRepDelegatee from `delegation.rewardAccounts$` is not always up-to-date.
   * It is refreshed when either the DReps currently delegated to change (usually detected while inspecting the
   * transaction history), or when a TxBuilder created
   * with `createTxBuilder()` is used to `build()` and either `inspect()` or `sign()` a transaction.
  readonly delegation: DelegationTracker;
  readonly utxo: UtxoTracker;
  readonly transactions: TransactionsTracker;
  readonly tip$: Observable<Cardano.Tip>;
  readonly genesisParameters$: Observable<Cardano.CompactGenesis>;
  readonly eraSummaries$: Observable<EraSummary[]>;
  readonly currentEpoch$: Observable<EpochInfo>;
  readonly protocolParameters$: Observable<Cardano.ProtocolParameters>;
  readonly addresses$: Observable<WalletAddress[]>;
  readonly publicStakeKeys$: Observable<PubStakeKeyAndStatus[]>;
  readonly handles$: Observable<HandleInfo[]>;
  readonly governance: {
    /** true this wallet is registered as drep */
    readonly isRegisteredAsDRep$: Observable<boolean>;
    /** Returns the wallet account's public DRep Key or undefined if the wallet doesn't control any DRep key */
    getPubDRepKey(): Promise<Ed25519PublicKeyHex | undefined>;
  /** All owned and historical assets */
  readonly assetInfo$: Observable<Assets>;
  readonly syncStatus: SyncStatus;
  getName(): Promise<string>;
   * @deprecated Use `createTxBuilder()` instead.
   * @throws InputSelectionError
  initializeTx(props: InitializeTxProps): Promise<InitializeTxResult>;
  /** @deprecated Use `createTxBuilder()` instead. */
  finalizeTx(props: FinalizeTxProps): Promise<Cardano.Tx>;
   * @throws Cip30DataSignError
  signData(props: SignDataProps): Promise<Cip30DataSignature>;
   * @throws CardanoNodeErrors.TxSubmissionError
  submitTx(tx: Cardano.Tx | Serialization.TxCBOR | WitnessedTx): Promise<Cardano.TransactionId>;
  /** Create a TxBuilder from this wallet */
  createTxBuilder(): TxBuilder;
   * Discover addresses that might have been created by other applications.
   * This is run automatically when the wallet is first created.
   * @returns Promise that resolves when discovery is complete, with an updated array of wallet addresses
  discoverAddresses(): Promise<WalletAddress[]>;
   * Get the next unused address for the wallet.
   * @returns Promise that resolves with the next unused addresses. Return an empty array if there
   * are no available unused addresses (I.E Single address wallets such as script wallets which already used up their only address).
  getNextUnusedAddress(): Promise<WalletAddress[]>;
  /** Updates the transaction witness set with signatures from this wallet. */
  addSignatures(props: AddSignaturesProps): Promise<Serialization.TxCBOR>;
  shutdown(): void;
export type WalletNetworkInfoProvider = Pick<
  'protocolParameters' | 'ledgerTip' | 'genesisParameters' | 'eraSummaries'