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If you're just looking for a complete example, click here. This guide will provide detailed instructions for how the example was built.

This guide will get you started with using the Catalyst CI to work with Python based projects.

To begin, clone the Catalyst CI repository:

git clone

Navigate to examples/python to find a basic Python project, with the Earthfile in it. This is the Earthfile we will be building in this guide. You can choose to either delete the file and start from scratch, or read the guide and follow along in the file.

Building the Earthfile


The below sections will walk through building our Earthfile step-by-step. In each section, only the fragments of the Earthfile relative to that section are displayed. This means that, as you go through each section, you should be cumulatively building the Earthfile. If you get stuck at any point, you can always take a look at the example.

Prepare base builder


    FROM ./../../earthly/python+python-base

    COPY --dir ./src .
    DO ./../../earthly/python+BUILDER

The first target builder is responsible to prepare an already configured Python environment, instal all needed tools and dependencies. Every Python project must be a poetry based project, so it is mandatory to have pyproject.toml and poetry.lock files in the root dir of the project.

The fist step of the builder target is prepare a Python environment with poetry via +python-base target. Next step is to copy source code of the project and finally finalize the build with some poetry project setup which is done with +BUILDER Function.

Running checks



    FROM +builder

    RUN poetry run pytest

As the final step, after proper setup of the Python project we can run tests, to do so inherit from the already discussed +builder target and just run poetry run pytest or with any other way which are suitable for your project setup. And that's it!

Release and publish

To prepare a release artifact and publish it to some external container registries please follow this guide. The only things you need is too define release and publish Earthly targets with the proper configuration of the artifacts for your project.


You can see the final Earthfile here and any other files in the same directory. We have learnt how to maintain and setup Python project, as you can see it is pretty simple.