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This module holds all the necessary methods to be able to serialize the ledger. There are 2 methods for each type that needs to be serialize pack_* and unpack_*.

The pack methods takes a mutable chain-core::packer::Codec<std::io::Write> reference and a reference to the type and writes the selected serialize format to the writer, it returns an std::io::Error wrapped in a Result if something goes wrong:

fn pack_<W: std::io::Write>(
    type: &T,
    codec: &mut Codec<W>,
) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { ... }

The unpack method takes a mutable chain-core::packer::Codecstd::io::BufRead reference and returns an instance of a type wrapped in a Result

fn unpack_(
    codec: &mut Codec<&[u8]>,
) -> Result<T, std::io::Error> { ... }

For serializing the Ledger the approach is simple:

  • Iterate the Ledger
  • Pack each entry
  • Flag the end of packing

For deserializing:

  • Load all serialized Entry into a Vec
  • Use the from_iter ledger method to load it from the newly created vector.

Notice that the ledger::iter::Entry type holds references to the data types but when loading them from the serialized object we need to hold them. That is why we use the EntryOwned type instead for deserializing. This data is then cloned as necessary into the final deserialized ledger.

