Module jormungandr::leadership

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new module to prepare for the new leadership scheduling of blocks

here we need to take into consideration that won’t have access to the cryptographic objects of the leader: they will be executed in a secure enclave.

data structures

We need to separate our components as following:

  1. the enclave:
    • upon receiving the necessary parameters, it will return a schedule when it should be elected to create a block;
    • upon receiving the necessary parameters, it will create the proof to finalize the creation of a block;
  2. the schedule:
    • it holds the schedules for a given epoch
    • we can query it to get a list of schedule for the REST API (useful to have information when the node is expected to create blocks);
    • optional but useful: have a way to update if a schedule has been executed (and what time);
    • optional: have a way for the blockchain task to update the schedule to know if the scheduled block as been accepted in the branch;

The enclave is not yet implemented, but we will need to separate the crypto from the representation here.


The flow process will work as follow:

  1. the leadership module will receive a new event to create prepare a leadership schedule; It will only includes the Leadership object from chain_lib and the TimeFrame active for the future blocks to come;
  2. upon receiving these data, it will query the enclave to know the list of expected scheduled leader elections; (this part may require heavy cryptographic computation, we may want to split this part into incrementally long queries);
  3. once the schedule is retrieved (even partially) we can start waiting for the appropriate time to create a new block (to run block fragment selection) and ask the enclave to sign the block;
  4. once a block is ready we need to send it to the blockchain task to process it and update the blockchain.

how and when to trigger a new leadership event

The blockchain module has the material to create the new leadership parameters for a given epoch (the Leadership object and the time frame). It needs to send the appropriate data when necessary.

2 ways to trigger a new leadership schedule from the blockchain module:

  1. the blockchain detects an epoch transition,
  2. the leadership sent an end of epoch signal to the blockchain;

Now doing so we may trigger the same leader schedule twice. We will need to make sure we don’t duplicate the work everywhere.




  • represent the client side of an enclave. From there we will query the actual enclave about schedules and signing blocks
  • leadership log handle. will allow to update the status of the log without having to hold the Logs
  • all leadership logs, allow for following up on the different entity of the blockchain
