use std::num::NonZeroU64;
use crate::GroupElement;
use crate::{
cryptography::{Ciphertext, CorrectShareGenerationZkp},
use base64::{engine::general_purpose, Engine as _};
use cryptoxide::blake2b::Blake2b;
use cryptoxide::digest::Digest;
use rand_core::{CryptoRng, RngCore};
pub type OpeningVoteKey = MemberSecretKey;
pub type Crs = GroupElement;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct ElectionFingerprint([u8; ElectionFingerprint::BYTES_LEN]);
impl ElectionFingerprint {
const BYTES_LEN: usize = 32;
impl From<(&ElectionPublicKey, &Crs)> for ElectionFingerprint {
fn from(from: (&ElectionPublicKey, &Crs)) -> Self {
let (election_pk, crs) = from;
let mut hasher = Blake2b::new(32);
let mut fingerprint = [0; 32];
hasher.result(&mut fingerprint);
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct EncryptedTally {
r: Vec<Ciphertext>,
fingerprint: ElectionFingerprint,
max_stake: u64,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct TallyDecryptShare {
elements: Vec<ProvenDecryptShare>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct ValidatedTally {
r: Vec<Ciphertext>,
decrypt_shares: Vec<TallyDecryptShare>,
max_stake: u64,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
struct ProvenDecryptShare {
r1: GroupElement,
pi: CorrectShareGenerationZkp,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Tally {
pub votes: Vec<u64>,
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
#[error("invalid data for private tally")]
pub struct TallyError;
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
#[error("Incorrect decryption shares")]
pub struct DecryptionError;
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
#[error("Incorrect decryption shares")]
pub struct EncryptedTallyError;
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
#[error("Invalid data, cannot decode base64 {0}")]
pub struct Base64DecodeError(String);
impl EncryptedTally {
const MAX_STAKE_BYTES_LEN: usize = std::mem::size_of::<u64>();
pub fn new(options: usize, election_pk: ElectionPublicKey, crs: Crs) -> Self {
let r = vec![Ciphertext::zero(); options];
EncryptedTally {
fingerprint: (&election_pk, &crs).into(),
max_stake: 0,
pub fn to_base64(&self) -> String {
let bytes = self.to_bytes();
pub fn from_base_64(encrypted_tally_b64: String) -> Result<Self, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
match general_purpose::STANDARD.decode(encrypted_tally_b64) {
Ok(bytes) => match EncryptedTally::from_bytes(&bytes) {
Some(encrypted_tally) => Ok(encrypted_tally),
None => Err(Box::new(EncryptedTallyError)),
Err(err) => Err(Box::new(Base64DecodeError(err.to_string()))),
pub fn add(&mut self, ballot: &Ballot, weight: u64) {
assert_eq!(, self.r.len());
assert_eq!(ballot.fingerprint(), &self.fingerprint);
for (ri, ci) in self.r.iter_mut().zip( {
*ri = &*ri + &(ci * weight);
self.max_stake += weight;
pub fn partial_decrypt<R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
rng: &mut R,
secret_key: &OpeningVoteKey,
) -> TallyDecryptShare {
let mut dshares = Vec::with_capacity(self.r.len());
let mut r2s = Vec::with_capacity(self.r.len());
for r in &self.r {
let decrypted_share = &r.e1 * &;
let proof = CorrectShareGenerationZkp::generate(
dshares.push(ProvenDecryptShare {
r1: decrypted_share,
pi: proof,
TallyDecryptShare { elements: dshares }
pub fn validate_partial_decryptions(
pks: &[MemberPublicKey],
decrypt_shares: &[TallyDecryptShare],
) -> Result<ValidatedTally, DecryptionError> {
for (pk, decrypt_share) in pks.iter().zip(decrypt_shares.iter()) {
if !decrypt_share.verify(self, pk) {
return Err(DecryptionError);
Ok(ValidatedTally {
r: self.r.clone(),
decrypt_shares: decrypt_shares.to_vec(),
max_stake: self.max_stake,
pub fn to_bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut bytes: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(
Ciphertext::BYTES_LEN * self.r.len()
+ ElectionFingerprint::BYTES_LEN
let max_stake_bytes = self.max_stake.to_le_bytes();
for ri in &self.r {
pub fn from_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> Option<Self> {
let cyphertext_len =
bytes.len() - ElectionFingerprint::BYTES_LEN - Self::MAX_STAKE_BYTES_LEN;
if cyphertext_len % Ciphertext::BYTES_LEN != 0 {
return None;
let (fingerprint_bytes, bytes) = bytes.split_at(ElectionFingerprint::BYTES_LEN);
let fingerprint = ElectionFingerprint(fingerprint_bytes.try_into().unwrap());
let (max_stake_bytes, bytes) = bytes.split_at(Self::MAX_STAKE_BYTES_LEN);
let max_stake = u64::from_le_bytes(max_stake_bytes.try_into().unwrap());
let r = bytes
Some(Self {
impl ValidatedTally {
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.len() == 0
fn decrypt(&self) -> Vec<GroupElement> {
let state: Vec<GroupElement> = self.r.iter().map(|c| c.e2.clone()).collect();
let ris = (0..state.len())
.map(|i| GroupElement::sum(self.decrypt_shares.iter().map(|ds| &ds.elements[i].r1)));
.map(|(r2, r1)| r2 - r1)
pub fn decrypt_tally(&self, table: &TallyOptimizationTable) -> Result<Tally, TallyError> {
let r_results = self.decrypt();
let votes =
baby_step_giant_step(r_results, self.max_stake, table).map_err(|_| TallyError)?;
Ok(Tally { votes })
impl std::ops::Add for EncryptedTally {
type Output = Self;
fn add(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
assert_eq!(self.r.len(), rhs.r.len());
let r = self
.map(|(left, right)| left + right)
let max_stake = self.max_stake + rhs.max_stake;
Self {
fingerprint: self.fingerprint,
impl ProvenDecryptShare {
const SIZE: usize = CorrectShareGenerationZkp::PROOF_SIZE + GroupElement::BYTES_LEN;
pub fn from_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> Option<Self> {
if bytes.len() != ProvenDecryptShare::SIZE {
return None;
let r1 = GroupElement::from_bytes(&bytes[0..GroupElement::BYTES_LEN])?;
let proof = CorrectShareGenerationZkp::from_bytes(&bytes[GroupElement::BYTES_LEN..])?;
Some(ProvenDecryptShare { r1, pi: proof })
pub fn to_bytes(&self) -> [u8; Self::SIZE] {
let mut output = [0u8; Self::SIZE];
impl TallyDecryptShare {
pub fn verify(&self, encrypted_tally: &EncryptedTally, pk: &MemberPublicKey) -> bool {
if self.options() != encrypted_tally.r.len() {
return false;
for (element, r) in self.elements.iter().zip(encrypted_tally.r.iter()) {
if !element.pi.verify(r, &element.r1, &pk.0) {
return false;
pub fn options(&self) -> usize {
pub fn bytes_len(options: usize) -> usize {
(CorrectShareGenerationZkp::PROOF_SIZE + GroupElement::BYTES_LEN)
.expect("integer overflow")
pub fn to_bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut out = Vec::new();
for element in self.elements.iter() {
pub fn from_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> Option<Self> {
if bytes.len() % ProvenDecryptShare::SIZE != 0 {
return None;
let elements = bytes
Some(TallyDecryptShare { elements })
impl Tally {
pub fn verify(
encrypted_tally: &EncryptedTally,
pks: &[MemberPublicKey],
decrypt_shares: &[TallyDecryptShare],
) -> bool {
let validated_decryptions =
match encrypted_tally.validate_partial_decryptions(pks, decrypt_shares) {
Ok(dec) => dec,
Err(_) => return false,
let r_results = validated_decryptions.decrypt();
let gen = GroupElement::generator();
for (i, &w) in self.votes.iter().enumerate() {
if &gen * w != r_results[i] {
return false;
pub fn batch_decrypt(
validated_tallies: impl AsRef<[ValidatedTally]>,
) -> Result<Vec<Tally>, TallyError> {
let validated_tallies = validated_tallies.as_ref();
let absolute_max_stake = validated_tallies.iter().map(|tally| tally.max_stake).max();
let absolute_max_stake = match absolute_max_stake {
Some(stake) => stake,
None => return Ok(vec![]),
match NonZeroU64::try_from(absolute_max_stake) {
Err(_) => Ok(validated_tallies.iter().map(trivial_convert).collect()),
Ok(absolute_max_stake) => {
let table = TallyOptimizationTable::generate(absolute_max_stake);
.map(|tally| tally.decrypt_tally(&table))
fn trivial_convert(validated_tally: &ValidatedTally) -> Tally {
assert_eq!(validated_tally.max_stake, 0);
let votes = vec![0; validated_tally.len()];
Tally { votes }
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::cryptography::{Keypair, PublicKey};
use crate::encrypted_vote::Vote;
use crate::Ballot;
use rand_chacha::ChaCha20Rng;
use rand_core::{CryptoRng, RngCore, SeedableRng};
fn get_encrypted_ballot<R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
rng: &mut R,
pk: &ElectionPublicKey,
crs: &Crs,
vote: Vote,
) -> Ballot {
let (enc, proof) = pk.encrypt_and_prove_vote(rng, crs, vote);
Ballot::try_from_vote_and_proof(enc, &proof, crs, pk).unwrap()
fn encdec1() {
let mut rng = ChaCha20Rng::from_seed([0u8; 32]);
let shared_string =
b"Example of a shared string. This should be VotePlan.to_id()".to_owned();
let h = Crs::from_hash(&shared_string);
let mc1 = MemberCommunicationKey::new(&mut rng);
let mc = [mc1.to_public()];
let threshold = 1;
let m1 = MemberState::new(&mut rng, threshold, &h, &mc, 0);
let participants = vec![m1.public_key()];
let ek = ElectionPublicKey::from_participants(&participants);
println!("encrypting vote");
let vote_options = 2;
let e1 = get_encrypted_ballot(&mut rng, &ek, &h, Vote::new(vote_options, 0).unwrap());
let e2 = get_encrypted_ballot(&mut rng, &ek, &h, Vote::new(vote_options, 1).unwrap());
let e3 = get_encrypted_ballot(&mut rng, &ek, &h, Vote::new(vote_options, 0).unwrap());
let mut encrypted_tally = EncryptedTally::new(vote_options, ek.clone(), h.clone());
encrypted_tally.add(&e1, 6);
encrypted_tally.add(&e2, 5);
encrypted_tally.add(&e3, 4);
let tds1 = encrypted_tally.partial_decrypt(&mut rng, m1.secret_key());
let max_votes = 20;
let shares = vec![tds1];
let table = TallyOptimizationTable::generate_with_balance(
let tr = encrypted_tally
.validate_partial_decryptions(&participants, &shares)
println!("{:?}", tr);
assert_eq!(tr.votes.len(), vote_options);
assert_eq!(tr.votes[0], 10, "vote for option 0");
assert_eq!(tr.votes[1], 5, "vote for option 1");
assert!(tr.verify(&encrypted_tally, &participants, &shares));
fn encdec3() {
let mut rng = ChaCha20Rng::from_seed([0u8; 32]);
let shared_string =
b"Example of a shared string. This should be VotePlan.to_id()".to_owned();
let h = Crs::from_hash(&shared_string);
let mc1 = MemberCommunicationKey::new(&mut rng);
let mc2 = MemberCommunicationKey::new(&mut rng);
let mc3 = MemberCommunicationKey::new(&mut rng);
let mc = [mc1.to_public(), mc2.to_public(), mc3.to_public()];
let threshold = 3;
let m1 = MemberState::new(&mut rng, threshold, &h, &mc, 0);
let m2 = MemberState::new(&mut rng, threshold, &h, &mc, 1);
let m3 = MemberState::new(&mut rng, threshold, &h, &mc, 2);
let participants = vec![m1.public_key(), m2.public_key(), m3.public_key()];
let ek = ElectionPublicKey::from_participants(&participants);
println!("encrypting vote");
let vote_options = 2;
let e1 = get_encrypted_ballot(&mut rng, &ek, &h, Vote::new(vote_options, 0).unwrap());
let e2 = get_encrypted_ballot(&mut rng, &ek, &h, Vote::new(vote_options, 1).unwrap());
let e3 = get_encrypted_ballot(&mut rng, &ek, &h, Vote::new(vote_options, 0).unwrap());
let mut encrypted_tally = EncryptedTally::new(vote_options, ek, h);
encrypted_tally.add(&e1, 1);
encrypted_tally.add(&e2, 3);
encrypted_tally.add(&e3, 4);
let tds1 = encrypted_tally.partial_decrypt(&mut rng, m1.secret_key());
let tds2 = encrypted_tally.partial_decrypt(&mut rng, m2.secret_key());
let tds3 = encrypted_tally.partial_decrypt(&mut rng, m3.secret_key());
assert!(!tds1.verify(&encrypted_tally, &m2.public_key()));
let max_votes = 20;
let shares = vec![tds1, tds2, tds3];
let table = TallyOptimizationTable::generate_with_balance(
let tr = encrypted_tally
.validate_partial_decryptions(&participants, &shares)
println!("{:?}", tr);
assert_eq!(tr.votes.len(), vote_options);
assert_eq!(tr.votes[0], 5, "vote for option 0");
assert_eq!(tr.votes[1], 3, "vote for option 1");
assert!(tr.verify(&encrypted_tally, &participants, &shares));
fn zero_and_max_votes() {
let mut rng = ChaCha20Rng::from_seed([0u8; 32]);
let shared_string =
b"Example of a shared string. This should be VotePlan.to_id()".to_owned();
let h = Crs::from_hash(&shared_string);
let mc1 = MemberCommunicationKey::new(&mut rng);
let mc = [mc1.to_public()];
let threshold = 1;
let m1 = MemberState::new(&mut rng, threshold, &h, &mc, 0);
let participants = vec![m1.public_key()];
let ek = ElectionPublicKey::from_participants(&participants);
println!("encrypting vote");
let vote_options = 2;
let mut encrypted_tally = EncryptedTally::new(vote_options, ek.clone(), h.clone());
&get_encrypted_ballot(&mut rng, &ek, &h, Vote::new(vote_options, 0).unwrap()),
let tds1 = encrypted_tally.partial_decrypt(&mut rng, m1.secret_key());
let max_votes = 42;
let shares = vec![tds1];
let table = TallyOptimizationTable::generate_with_balance(
let tr = encrypted_tally
.validate_partial_decryptions(&participants, &shares)
println!("{:?}", tr);
assert_eq!(tr.votes.len(), vote_options);
assert_eq!(tr.votes[0], 42, "vote for option 0");
assert_eq!(tr.votes[1], 0, "vote for option 1");
assert!(tr.verify(&encrypted_tally, &participants, &shares));
fn empty_tally() {
let mut rng = ChaCha20Rng::from_seed([0u8; 32]);
let shared_string =
b"Example of a shared string. This should be VotePlan.to_id()".to_owned();
let h = Crs::from_hash(&shared_string);
let mc1 = MemberCommunicationKey::new(&mut rng);
let mc = [mc1.to_public()];
let threshold = 1;
let m1 = MemberState::new(&mut rng, threshold, &h, &mc, 0);
let vote_options = 2;
let encrypted_tally = EncryptedTally::new(
let tds1 = encrypted_tally.partial_decrypt(&mut rng, m1.secret_key());
let max_votes = 2;
let shares = vec![tds1];
let table = TallyOptimizationTable::generate_with_balance(
let tr = encrypted_tally
.validate_partial_decryptions(&[m1.public_key()], &shares)
println!("{:?}", tr);
assert_eq!(tr.votes.len(), vote_options);
assert_eq!(tr.votes[0], 0, "vote for option 0");
assert_eq!(tr.votes[1], 0, "vote for option 1");
assert!(tr.verify(&encrypted_tally, &[m1.public_key()], &shares));
fn tally_wrong_elements_size() {
let mut rng = ChaCha20Rng::from_seed([0u8; 32]);
let shared_string =
b"Example of a shared string. This should be VotePlan.to_id()".to_owned();
let h = Crs::from_hash(&shared_string);
let mc = MemberCommunicationKey::new(&mut rng);
let mc = [mc.to_public()];
let threshold = 1;
let m = MemberState::new(&mut rng, threshold, &h, &mc, 0);
let participants = vec![m.public_key()];
let ek = ElectionPublicKey::from_participants(&participants);
println!("encrypting vote");
let vote_options = 2;
let e = get_encrypted_ballot(&mut rng, &ek, &h, Vote::new(vote_options, 0).unwrap());
let mut encrypted_tally = EncryptedTally::new(vote_options, ek, h);
encrypted_tally.add(&e, 1);
let mut tds = encrypted_tally.partial_decrypt(&mut rng, m.secret_key());
println!("corrupt tally share, add extra element");
assert!(!tds.verify(&encrypted_tally, &m.public_key()))
fn zero_encrypted_tally_serialization_sanity() {
let election_key = ElectionPublicKey(PublicKey {
pk: GroupElement::from_hash(&[1u8]),
let h = Crs::from_hash(&[1u8]);
let tally = EncryptedTally::new(3, election_key, h);
let bytes = tally.to_bytes();
let deserialized_tally = EncryptedTally::from_bytes(&bytes).unwrap();
assert_eq!(tally, deserialized_tally);
fn serialize_tally_decrypt_share() {
let mut r = ChaCha20Rng::from_seed([0u8; 32]);
let keypair = Keypair::generate(&mut r);
let plaintext = GroupElement::from_hash(&[0u8]);
let ciphertext = keypair.public_key.encrypt_point(&plaintext, &mut r);
let share = &ciphertext.e1 * &;
let proof = CorrectShareGenerationZkp::generate(
&mut r,
let prover_share = ProvenDecryptShare {
pi: proof,
r1: share,
let tally_dec_share = TallyDecryptShare {
elements: vec![prover_share],
let bytes = tally_dec_share.to_bytes();
assert_eq!(bytes.len(), TallyDecryptShare::bytes_len(1));
let tally_from_bytes = TallyDecryptShare::from_bytes(&bytes);
fn batch_decrypt_empty_slice() {
assert_eq!(batch_decrypt(&[]).unwrap(), []);
fn batch_decrypt_with_data() {
let mut rng = ChaCha20Rng::from_seed([0u8; 32]);
let shared_string =
b"Example of a shared string. This should be VotePlan.to_id()".to_owned();
let h = Crs::from_hash(&shared_string);
let mc1 = MemberCommunicationKey::new(&mut rng);
let mc2 = MemberCommunicationKey::new(&mut rng);
let mc3 = MemberCommunicationKey::new(&mut rng);
let mc = [mc1.to_public(), mc2.to_public(), mc3.to_public()];
let threshold = 3;
let m1 = MemberState::new(&mut rng, threshold, &h, &mc, 0);
let m2 = MemberState::new(&mut rng, threshold, &h, &mc, 1);
let m3 = MemberState::new(&mut rng, threshold, &h, &mc, 2);
let participants = vec![m1.public_key(), m2.public_key(), m3.public_key()];
let ek = ElectionPublicKey::from_participants(&participants);
println!("encrypting vote");
let vote_options = 2;
let e1 = get_encrypted_ballot(&mut rng, &ek, &h, Vote::new(vote_options, 0).unwrap());
let e2 = get_encrypted_ballot(&mut rng, &ek, &h, Vote::new(vote_options, 1).unwrap());
let e3 = get_encrypted_ballot(&mut rng, &ek, &h, Vote::new(vote_options, 0).unwrap());
let mut encrypted_tally = EncryptedTally::new(vote_options, ek, h);
encrypted_tally.add(&e1, 1);
encrypted_tally.add(&e2, 3);
encrypted_tally.add(&e3, 4);
let tds1 = encrypted_tally.partial_decrypt(&mut rng, m1.secret_key());
let tds2 = encrypted_tally.partial_decrypt(&mut rng, m2.secret_key());
let tds3 = encrypted_tally.partial_decrypt(&mut rng, m3.secret_key());
assert!(!tds1.verify(&encrypted_tally, &m2.public_key()));
let shares = vec![tds1, tds2, tds3];
let validated_tally = encrypted_tally
.validate_partial_decryptions(&participants, &shares)
let tallies = batch_decrypt([validated_tally]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(tallies.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(tallies[0].votes, vec![5, 3]);