


  • Query gathers all possible registration transactions Each registration is screened and marked: valid or invalid
  • Reward addresses start with a single header byte identifying their type and the network, followed by 28 bytes of payload identifying either a stake key hash or a script hash. Function accepts this first header prefix byte. Validates first nibble is within the address range: 0x0? - 0x7? + 0xE? , 0xF? Validates second nibble matches network id: 0/1
  • Each stake key can have multiple registrations, the latest must be identified and the rest partitioned
  • encoding of hex strings with a 0x prefix
  • The registration has a 32 byte “Stake Public Key”. This is the raw ED25519 public key of the stake address. To calculate the Voting power, you need the stake key hash. Encoded in Cardano format. Network_id + Blake2b-224( Stake Public Key )
  • Validate raw registration binary against 61284 CDDL spec
  • Validate raw signature binary against 61285 CDDL spec

Type Aliases

  • Registrations which failed cddl and or sig checks
  • Network_id + Blake2b-224( Stake Public Key )
  • Unregistered voters stake
  • Contains the most recent registration for each public stake address