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//! Define `Unprocessable Content` response type.
use poem_openapi::{types::Example, Object};
use crate::service::common;
/// The client has not sent valid data in its request, headers, parameters or body.
pub(crate) struct UnprocessableContent {
#[oai(validator(max_items = "1000", min_items = "1"))]
/// Details of each error in the content that was detected.
/// Note: This may not be ALL errors in the content, as validation of content can stop
/// at any point an error is detected.
detail: Vec<ContentErrorDetail>,
impl UnprocessableContent {
/// Create a new `ContentErrorDetail` Response Payload.
pub(crate) fn new(errors: Vec<poem::Error>) -> Self {
let mut detail = vec![];
for error in errors {
Self { detail }
impl Example for UnprocessableContent {
/// Example for the Too Many Requests Payload.
fn example() -> Self {
Self {
detail: vec![ContentErrorDetail::example()],
/// Individual details of a single error that was detected with the content of the
/// request.
pub(crate) struct ContentErrorDetail {
/// The location of the error
#[oai(validator(max_items = 100))]
loc: Option<Vec<common::types::generic::error_msg::ErrorMessage>>,
/// The error message.
#[oai(validator(max_length = "1000", pattern = "^[0-9a-zA-Z].*$"))]
msg: Option<common::types::generic::error_msg::ErrorMessage>,
/// The type of error
rename = "type",
validator(max_length = "1000", pattern = "^[0-9a-zA-Z].*$")
err_type: Option<common::types::generic::error_msg::ErrorMessage>,
impl Example for ContentErrorDetail {
/// Example for the `ContentErrorDetail` Payload.
fn example() -> Self {
Self {
loc: Some(vec!["body".into()]),
msg: Some("Value is not a valid dict.".into()),
err_type: Some("type_error.dict".into()),
impl ContentErrorDetail {
/// Create a new `ContentErrorDetail` Response Payload.
pub(crate) fn new(error: &poem::Error) -> Self {
// TODO: See if we can get more info from the error than this.
Self {
loc: None,
msg: Some(error.to_string().into()),
err_type: None,