mod.rs1pub(crate) mod catch_panic;
3pub(crate) mod convert;
4pub(crate) mod health;
5pub(crate) mod json;
6pub(crate) mod middleware;
7pub(crate) mod net;
9use anyhow::{bail, Result};
10pub(crate) fn as_hex_string(bytes: &[u8]) -> String {
17 format!("0x{}", hex::encode(bytes))
20pub(crate) fn from_hex_string(hex: &str) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
22 #[allow(clippy::string_slice)] if hex.len() < 4 || hex.len() % 2 != 0 || &hex[0..2] != "0x" {
24 bail!("Invalid hex string");
25 }
27 #[allow(clippy::string_slice)] Ok(hex::decode(&hex[2..])?)
31const _UNUSED: &str = r#"
33/// Network validation error
34#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
35pub(crate) enum NetworkValidationError {
36 /// Provided network type does not match stake address
37 #[error("Provided network type {0} does not match stake address network type {1}")]
38 NetworkMismatch(String, String),
39 /// Unknown address network type
40 #[error("Unknown address network type {0}")]
41 UnknownNetwork(u8),
44/// Check the provided network type with the encoded inside the stake address
45pub(crate) fn check_network(
46 address_network: PallasNetwork, provided_network: Option<Network>,
47) -> anyhow::Result<Network> {
48 match address_network {
49 PallasNetwork::Mainnet => {
50 if let Some(network) = provided_network {
51 if !matches!(&network, Network::Mainnet) {
52 return Err(NetworkValidationError::NetworkMismatch(
53 network.to_json_string(),
54 "Mainnet".to_string(),
55 )
56 .into());
57 }
58 }
59 Ok(Network::Mainnet)
60 },
61 PallasNetwork::Testnet => {
62 // the preprod and preview network types are encoded as `testnet` in the stake
63 // address, so here we are checking if the `provided_network` type matches the
64 // one, and if not - we return an error.
65 // if the `provided_network` omitted - we return the `testnet` network type
66 if let Some(network) = provided_network {
67 if !matches!(network, Network::Preprod | Network::Preview) {
68 return Err(NetworkValidationError::NetworkMismatch(
69 network.to_json_string(),
70 "Testnet".to_string(),
71 )
72 .into());
73 }
74 Ok(network)
75 } else {
76 Ok(Network::Preprod)
77 }
78 },
79 PallasNetwork::Other(x) => Err(NetworkValidationError::UnknownNetwork(x).into()),
80 }