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The system defines several roles/actors that interact with entities to achieve various operational goals. These roles include users and administrative entities that manage, review, or vote on proposals and campaigns.

Role/Actor Description Responsibilities
Admin Campaign manager responsible for proposal oversight. Configure campaigns, assign reviewers, moderate content.
Delegator Assigns voting power to other users Has the ability to assign voting power to another role
Moderator Oversees moderation tasks within the system. Classify and address flagged comments or proposals, ensure system integrity.
Proposer User who creates and submits proposals. Draft proposals, respond to campaign questions, manage proposal life cycles.
Reviewer Assesses and provides feedback on proposals. Review proposals, submit ratings, offer detailed feedback.
Role Zero Base role for any user who registers with catalyst. Base features, request additional roles, comment on proposals.
Super Admin Out of scope? Oversees system-wide settings, brand, and role management. Manage the brand, global roles, ensure operational compliance, configure system settings.
Tally Committee Out of scope? Group responsible for managing the vote tallying process. Oversee and ensure accurate tallying for campaigns or events.
Vote Tally Automates vote verification and result calculations. Verify votes, calculate outcomes, generate reports.
Voter User who votes on proposals and delegates voting power. Cast votes, delegate voting power, view voting results.

❓ Info

  • Is the role that can comment on proposals the same as the reviewer or can anyone with role zero comment?
  • Does a reviewer get additional responsibilities and if so do we need separate roles for each type of reviewer or can we just have a single role with varying abilities based on reputation or other measure as discussed ?