
Why do we need another Haskell infrastructure for Nix?

Doesn't nixpkgs provide a sufficiently good Haskell infrastructure already?

Problems with the nixpkgs haskell infrastructure are covered in the following sections:

Cross compilation

nixpkgs has quite good support for cross compilation, however the Haskell infrastructure suffers from the fact that it heavily relies on the cabal2nix tool. cabal2nix (as well as tools that depend on it like stack2nix) flattens the .cabal file at conversion time to a given os/arch/flags configuration. Thus to make cross compilation work with cabal2nix you will have to generate a separate nix expression for each configuration. This becomes a major maintenance burden over time. Therefore the tooling that translates cabal files into nix-expressions for use with Haskell.nix retains the full conditional tree from the cabal file and exposes it to nix. In addition it will also expose the build-type value, which allows us to cache the Setup.hs for build-type simple and not have to rebuild it every time.

Package sets

We often rely on either package sets as provided by stackage or computed by cabal. nixpkgs provides its own curated package set which might or might not work for the projects we work on. stack2nix tries to solve this issue, here we go one step further and provide the infrastructure to allow any form of package set.

Per component level control

The Haskell builder in nixpkgs provides control over executables and libraries, to build a specific executable only however is rather tricky to do. This also leads to the cyclic dependencies issue.

Cyclic dependencies

The Haskell builder in nixpkgs exposes packages at the package level. If packages mutually depend on each other through tests and libraries, this leads to cyclic dependencies that nix can't resolve. By exposing the components to nix as separate derivations this will only occur if you have mutually dependent components.

Build times

The Haskell builder in nixpkgs builds a package sequentially, first the library then the executables and finally the tests. It then executes the tests before the package is considered done. The upshot of this is that packages are only considered done if the test-suites passed. The downside is that if you have to compile multiple packages the likelihood of them failing is low, you have unnecessarily serialized your build. In a more aggressive setting libraries could start building as early as their dependent libraries are built. Of course they will have to be invalidated later should the test-suites of their dependencies fail, but this way we can make use of parallel building. In an ideal scenario this will reduce build times close to the optimum.

More logic in nix

The cabal2nix tool has a resolver that resolves system dependencies and licenses to values in nixpkgs. This logic ends up being a simple dictionary lookup and therefore can be a simple nix expression. This also offloads some of the work the cabal to nix translation tool needs to do into nix, and as such if changes are necessary (or needed to be performed ad hoc) there is no need to rebuild the conversion tool and subsequently mark every derived expression as out of date.


Finally, by treating Haskell.nix and nixpkgs as separate entities we can decouple the Haskell packages and infrastructure from the nixpkgs package set, and rely on it to provide us with system packages while staying up to date with Haskell packages from hackage while retaining a stable (or known to be good) nixpkgs revision.