
haskell.nix can generate coverage information for your package or project using Cabal's inbuilt hpc support.


To get a sensible coverage report, you need to enable coverage on each of the packages of your project:

pkgs.haskell-nix.project {
  src = pkgs.haskell-nix.haskellLib.cleanGit {
    name = "haskell-nix-project";
    src = ./.;
  compiler-nix-name = "ghc884";

  modules = [{
    packages.$pkg.components.library.doCoverage = true;

If you would like to make coverage optional, add an argument to your nix expression:

{ withCoverage ? false }:

pkgs.haskell-nix.project {
  src = pkgs.haskell-nix.haskellLib.cleanGit {
    name = "haskell-nix-project";
    src = ./.;
  compiler-nix-name = "ghc884";

  modules = pkgs.lib.optional withCoverage [{
    packages.$pkg.components.library.doCoverage = true;


nix-build default.nix -A "projectWithCoverage.$pkg.coverageReport"

This will generate a coverage report for the package you requested. All tests that are enabled (configured with doCheck == true) are included in the coverage report.

See the developer coverage docs for more information.


nix-build default.nix -A "projectWithCoverage.projectCoverageReport"

This will generate a coverage report for all the local packages in your project.

See the developer coverage docs for more information.


By default, the behaviour of the coverageReport attribute is to generate a coverage report that describes how that package affects the coverage of all local packages (including itself) in the project.

The default behaviour of projectCoverageReport is to sum the default coverage reports (produced by the above process) of all local packages in the project.

You can modify this behaviour by using the coverageReport and projectCoverageReport functions found in the haskell.nix library:

# default.nix
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {}}:
  inherit (pkgs.haskell-nix) haskellLib;

  project = haskellLib.project {
    src = pkgs.haskell-nix.haskellLib.cleanGit {
      name = "haskell-nix-project";
      src = ./.;
    compiler-nix-name = "ghc884";

    modules = [{
      packages.$pkgA.components.library.doCoverage = true;
      packages.$pkgB.components.library.doCoverage = true;

  # Generate a coverage report for $pkgA that only includes the
  # unit-test check and only shows coverage information for $pkgA, not
  # $pkgB.
  custom$pkgACoverageReport = haskellLib.coverageReport rec {
    name = "$pkgA-unit-tests-only"
    inherit (project.$pkgA.components) library;
    checks = [project.$pkgA.components.checks.unit-test];
    # Note that this is the default value of the "mixLibraries"
    # argument and so this line isn't really necessary.
    mixLibraries = [project.$pkgA.components.library];

  custom$pkgBCoverageReport = haskellLib.coverageReport rec {
    name = "$pkgB-unit-tests-only"
    inherit (project.$pkgB.components) library;
    checks = [project.$pkgB.components.checks.unit-test];
    mixLibraries = [project.$pkgB.components.library];
  # Generate a project coverage report that only includes the unit
  # tests of the project, and only shows how each unit test effects
  # the coverage of it's package, and not other packages in the
  # project.
  allUnitTestsProjectReport = haskellLib.projectCoverageReport [custom$pkgACoverageReport custom$pkgBCoverageReport];
in {
  inherit project custom$pkgACoverageReport custom$pkgBCoverageReport allUnitTestsProjectCoverageReport;