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Signature format

Hermes signatures, whether for application package or WASM module package, adhere to a specific format. This format is based on the COSE standard, which is a CBOR-defined object.

The COSE format is a widely adopted standard for secure communication and data exchange. It provides a flexible and compact way to represent cryptographic objects, such as digital signatures. By using COSE, Hermes ensures the integrity and authenticity of its signatures, ensuring the security and trustworthiness of the signed content.

COSE Headers

The COSE standard defines two types of headers: protected and unprotected.

  • The protected headers contain parameters about the current layer that are to be cryptographically protected. These headers are mandatory for certain cryptographic computations and must be included in the signature. If no cryptographic computation is required, the protected headers can be empty.

  • The unprotected headers contain parameters about the current layer that are not cryptographically protected. These headers are optional and can be used to provide additional information or metadata.

In Hermes, the following headers with its values MUST be included in the COSE signature.


  • alg: EdDSA (this parameter is used to indicate the algorithm used for the security processing).
  • content type: application/json (this parameter is used to indicate the content type of the data in the payload or ciphertext fields).

Signature type

COSE is a flexible security protocol that supports various types of security messages.

The comprehensive list includes:

  • COSE Signed Data Object
  • COSE Single Signer Data Object
  • COSE Encrypted Data Object
  • COSE Single Recipient Encrypted Data Object
  • COSE MACed Data Object
  • COSE Mac w/o Recipients Object

However, Hermes will utilize only COSE Signed Data Object to enable signing with multiple users. So every COSE signature MUST be encoded as COSE Signed Data Object even if it contains only one signature in it.

Signature payload

As mentioned earlier, the content type of the COSE signature payload is JSON and should follows the defined schema. Each particular signature payload schema defined for specific Hermes entities.

Signature headers

COSE Signed Data Object signature type defined as a CBOR structure, which includes the same meaning headers.

In Hermes, the following headers with its values MUST be included in the COSE signature.


  • kid: a Blake2B hash of the signer's x.509 certificate (ASN.1 DER encoded bytes) associated with its keys (this parameter identifies one piece of data that can be used as input to find the needed cryptographic key).