data class DIDDocPeerDID @JvmOverloads constructor(val did: String, val authentication: List<VerificationMethodPeerDID>, val keyAgreement: List<VerificationMethodPeerDID> = emptyList(), val service: List<Service>? = null)(source)
Represents a PeerDID DID Document.
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constructor(did: String, authentication: List<VerificationMethodPeerDID>, keyAgreement: List<VerificationMethodPeerDID> = emptyList(), service: List<Service>? = null)
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Represents the agreementKids property in the DIDDocPeerDID class. It is a read-only property that returns a list of IDs of key agreements in the DID document.
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The list of authentication verification methods.
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Retrieves a list of IDs from the authentication list.
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The list of key agreement verification methods.