Initialize a new instance of the Committee class.
The minimum number (as percentage) of the Constitutional Committee members that must participate in a vote for the outcome to be considered valid.
#quorumAdds a new member to the committe.
The committee credential.
The epoch at which this committee member term will end.
Gets the epoch at which the given committee member term will end.
The credential of the committee member we wish to get the term for.
Gets the credential of all the members of this committee.
The credentials.
Gets the minimum number (as percentage) of the Constitutional Committee members that must participate in a vote for the outcome to be considered valid.
The minimum number or percentage of the Constitutional Committee members.
fromDeserializes the Committee from a CBOR byte array.
The new Committee instance.
The CBOR encoded Committee object.
fromCreates a Committee object from the given Core Committee object.
Generated using TypeDoc
The constitutional committee represents a set of individuals or entities (each associated with a pair of Ed25519 credentials) that are collectively responsible for ensuring that the Constitution is respected.
Though it cannot be enforced on-chain, the constitutional committee is only supposed to vote on the constitutionality of governance actions (which should thus ensure the long-term sustainability of the blockchain) and should be replaced (via the no confidence action) if they overstep this boundary.