#toGets a MoveInstantaneousRewardToOtherPot from a MoveInstantaneousReward instance.
a MoveInstantaneousRewardToOtherPot if the MoveInstantaneousReward can be down cast, otherwise, undefined.
Gets a MoveInstantaneousRewardToStakeCreds from a MoveInstantaneousReward instance.
a MoveInstantaneousRewardToStakeCreds if the MoveInstantaneousReward can be down cast, otherwise, undefined.
The kind of MoveInstantaneousReward certificate.
Reserve Pot: This pot is filled with a predefined amount of ADA at the launch of the network. It's used to fund various initiatives, and some of he funds are transferred to the reward pot to pay for staking rewards.
Treasury Pot: The treasury holds funds that can be used for various purposes, such as funding development and community initiatives. It's filled by taking a portion of the transaction fees and other specified sources.
The MoveInstantaneousReward kind.
Creates a Core MirCertificate object from the current MoveInstantaneousReward object.
The Core MirCertificate object.
fromDeserializes the MoveInstantaneousReward from a CBOR byte array.
The new MoveInstantaneousReward instance.
The CBOR encoded MoveInstantaneousReward object.
fromCreates a MoveInstantaneousReward object from the given Core MirCertificate object.
The core MirCertificate object.
newCreates a move instantaneous rewards certificate that transfers finds to the other accounting pot.
The MoveInstantaneousRewardToOtherPot certificate.
newCreates a move instantaneous rewards certificate that transfers funds to the given set of reward accounts.
The MoveInstantaneousRewardToStakeCreds certificate.
Generated using TypeDoc
Certificate used to facilitate an instantaneous transfer of rewards within the system.
Typically, rewards in Cardano are accumulated and distributed through a carefully designed process aligned with the staking and delegation mechanics. However, certain situations may require a more immediate or specialized handling of rewards, and that's where this type of certificate comes into play.
The MoveInstantaneousReward certificate allows for immediate redistribution of rewards within pots, or to a specified se of stake addresses.