The ProtocolParamUpdate structure in Cardano is used to propose changes to the protocol parameters of the blockchain. Protocol parameters govern various aspects of the Cardano network.


  • ProtocolParamUpdate






#adaPerUtxoByte: undefined | bigint
#collateralPercentage: undefined | number
#committeeTermLimit: undefined | number
#costModels: undefined | Serialization.Costmdls
#d: undefined | Serialization.UnitInterval
#drepDeposit: undefined | number
#drepInactivityPeriod: undefined | number
#drepVotingThresholds: undefined | Serialization.DrepVotingThresholds
#executionCosts: undefined | Serialization.ExUnitPrices
#expansionRate: undefined | Serialization.UnitInterval
#extraEntropy: undefined | HexBlob
#governanceActionDeposit: undefined | number
#governanceActionValidityPeriod: undefined | number
#keyDeposit: undefined | bigint
#maxBlockBodySize: undefined | number
#maxBlockExUnits: undefined | Serialization.ExUnits
#maxBlockHeaderSize: undefined | number
#maxCollateralInputs: undefined | number
#maxEpoch: undefined | number
#maxTxExUnits: undefined | Serialization.ExUnits
#maxTxSize: undefined | number
#maxValueSize: undefined | number
#minCommitteeSize: undefined | number
#minFeeA: undefined | bigint
#minFeeB: undefined | bigint
#minPoolCost: undefined | bigint
#nOpt: undefined | number
#originalBytes: undefined | HexBlob = undefined
#poolDeposit: undefined | bigint
#poolPledgeInfluence: undefined | Serialization.UnitInterval
#poolVotingThresholds: undefined | Serialization.PoolVotingThresholds
#protocolVersion: undefined | Serialization.ProtocolVersion
#treasuryGrowthRate: undefined | Serialization.UnitInterval


  • Gets the governance action validity period. Governance actions must be ratified before a specific epoch boundary or ir will expire.


    The governance action validity period.

    Returns undefined | number

  • Gets the limit the total number of collateral inputs, and thus the total number of additional signatures that must be checked during validation.


    The max number of total collateral inputs allowed in a transaction, or undefined if not set.

    Returns undefined | number

  • Gets the minimum operational cost for a stake pool per epoch, ensuring that stake pools cannot advertise a cost that is too low.


    The minimum operational cost, or undefined if not set.

    Returns undefined | bigint

  • Gets the desired number of stake pools. It's used in the rewards calculation to encourage a certain number of active stake pools.


    The desired number of stake pools, or undefined if not set.

    Returns undefined | number

  • Sets the constitutional committee term limit. Per-member terms allow for a rotation scheme, such as a third of the committee expiring every year. Expired members can no longer vote. Member can also willingly resign early, which will be marked on-chain as an expired member.


    • committeeTermLimit: number

      The maximum term limit.

    Returns void

  • Sets the DRep inactivity period. DReps need to vote regularly to still be considered active. Specifically, if a DRep does not submit any votes for drepInactivityPeriod-many epochs, the DRep is considered inactive. Inactive DReps do not count towards the active voting stake anymore. The reason for marking DReps as inactive is so that DReps who stop participating but still have stake delegated to them do not eventually leave the system in a state where no governance action can pass.


    • drepInactivityPeriod: number

      the DRep inactivity period.

    Returns void

  • Sets the governance action validity period. Governance actions must be ratified before a specific epoch boundary or ir will expire.


    • governanceActionValidityPeriod: number

      The governance action validity period.

    Returns void

  • Sets the limit the total number of collateral inputs, and thus the total number of additional signatures that must be checked during validation.


    • maxCollateralInputs: number

      The max number of total collateral inputs allowed in a transaction.

    Returns void

  • Unlike the Shelley governance design, the size of the constitutional committee is not fixed and can be any non-negative number. It may be changed whenever a new committee is elected ("New constitutional committee and/or threshold").


    • minCommitteeSize: number

      The minimal size of the committee.

    Returns void

  • minfeeA and minfeeB are two separate parameters in Cardano's fee calculation to ensure flexibility and fine-grained control over how transaction fees are determined. Both of these parameters come into play when deciding the cost of a transaction, and they serve different purposes.

    The transaction fee in Cardano is computed as: fee = minfeeA * size + minfeeB.

    minfeeA it's multiplied by the size of the transaction. This means it's primarily responsible for how the fee scales with the transaction's size. If minfeeA is high, then the cost per byte of transaction data is high. This encourages users to minimize the size of their transactions.

    Conversely, if minfeeA is low, the cost per byte is low, but other factors (like minfeeB) can still influence the overall fee.


    • minFeeA: bigint

      fee to be multiplied by the transaction size.

    Returns void

  • minfeeB it's a constant added to the transaction fee irrespective of the transaction's size. Think of it as a "base fee" for processing the transaction. A higher minfeeB means every transaction will have a higher minimum cost, regardless of its size.

    This discourages spamming the network with a large number of tiny transactions.


    • minFeeB: bigint

      fee to be added to every transaction regardless of its size, or undefined if not set.

    Returns void

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