Creates a new TreasuryWithdrawalsAction instance.
A map specifying which rewards accounts to transfer the funds to.
policyHash: Hash28ByteBase16The optional policyHash.
#withdrawalsthe policyHash.
Creates a Core TreasuryWithdrawalsAction object from the current TreasuryWithdrawalsAction object.
The Core TreasuryWithdrawalsAction object.
Retrieves the withdrawals associated with the treasury withdrawal action.
The withdrawals.
fromDeserializes the TreasuryWithdrawalsAction from a CBOR byte array.
The new TreasuryWithdrawalsAction instance.
The CBOR encoded TreasuryWithdrawalsAction object.
fromCreates a TreasuryWithdrawalsAction object from the given Core TreasuryWithdrawalsAction object.
core TreasuryWithdrawalsAction object.
Generated using TypeDoc
Withdraws funds from the treasury.