#proceduresGets a voting procedure given its voter and governanceActionId.
The VotingProcedure or undefined of none found.
The voter key.
The governance action id key.
Gets all the GovernanceActionId present in the voting procedures given its voter.
An array with all the GovernanceActionId, if none found, this returns an empty array.
Gets all the voters present in the voting procedures
An array with all the voters, if none found, this returns an empty array.
Inserts a new VotingProcedure into the map.
The voter key.
The governance action id key.
The voting procedure to be inserted.
Creates a Core VotingProcedures object from the current VotingProcedures object.
The Core VotingProcedures object.
fromDeserializes the VotingProcedures from a CBOR byte array.
The new VotingProcedures instance.
The CBOR encoded VotingProcedures object.
fromCreates a VotingProcedures object from the given Core VotingProcedures object.
The core VotingProcedures object.
Generated using TypeDoc
A map of Voter + GovernanceActionId to VotingProcedure;