Specifies the state of a CborReader instance.

Enumeration Members

Boolean: 19

Indicates that the next CBOR data item encodes a bool value (major type 7).

ByteString: 3

Indicates that the next CBOR data item is a byte string (major type 2).

DoublePrecisionFloat: 17

Indicates that the next CBOR data item is an IEEE 754 Double-Precision float (major type 7).

EndArray: 10

Indicates that the reader is at the end of an array (major type 4).

EndIndefiniteLengthByteString: 5

Indicates that the reader is at the end of an indefinite-length byte string (major type 2).

EndIndefiniteLengthTextString: 8

Indicates that the reader is at the end of an indefinite-length UTF-8 text string (major type 3).

EndMap: 12

Indicates that the reader is at the end of a map (major type 5).

Finished: 20

Indicates that the reader has completed reading a full CBOR document.

HalfPrecisionFloat: 15

Indicates that the next CBOR data item is an IEEE 754 Half-Precision float (major type 7).

NegativeInteger: 2

Indicates that the next CBOR data item is a negative integer (major type 1).

Null: 18

Indicates that the next CBOR data item is a null literal (major type 7).

SimpleValue: 14

Indicates that the next CBOR data item is a simple value (major type 7).

SinglePrecisionFloat: 16

Indicates that the next CBOR data item is an IEEE 754 Single-Precision float (major type 7).

StartArray: 9

Indicates that the next CBOR data item denotes the start of an array (major type 4).

StartIndefiniteLengthByteString: 4

Indicates that the next CBOR data item denotes the start of an indefinite-length byte string (major type 2).

StartIndefiniteLengthTextString: 7

Indicates that the next CBOR data item denotes the start of an indefinite-length UTF-8 text string (major type 3).

StartMap: 11

Indicates that the next CBOR data item denotes the start of a map (major type 5).

Tag: 13

Indicates that the next CBOR data item is a semantic tag (major type 6).

TextString: 6

Indicates that the next CBOR data item is a UTF-8 string (major type 3).

Undefined: 0

Indicates the undefined state.

UnsignedInteger: 1

Indicates that the next CBOR data item is an unsigned integer (major type 0).

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