The redeemer tags act as an enumeration to signify the purpose or context of the redeemer in a transaction. When a Plutus script is executed, the specific action type related to the redeemer can be identified using these tags, allowing the script to respond appropriately. redeemer_tag = 0 ; Spending / 1 ; Minting / 2 ; Certifying / 3 ; Rewarding / 4 ; Voting / 5 ; Proposing

Enumeration Members

Enumeration Members

Cert: 2

Indicates the redeemer is related to a certificate action within a transaction.

Mint: 1

Indicates the redeemer is associated with a minting action.

Proposing: 5
Reward: 3

Indicates the redeemer is for withdrawing rewards from staking.

Spend: 0

Indicates the redeemer is for spending a UTxO.

Voting: 4

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