

auxiliaryDataHash?: Hash32ByteBase16
certificates?: Cardano.Certificate[]
collateralReturn?: Cardano.TxOut

Return collateral allows us to specify an output with the remainder of our collateral input(s) in the event we over-collateralize our transaction. This allows us to avoid overpaying the collateral and also creates the possibility for native assets to be also present in the collateral, though they will not serve as a payment for the fee.

collaterals?: Cardano.TxIn[]
donation?: bigint
fee: bigint
inputs: Cardano.TxIn[]
networkId?: Cardano.NetworkId
outputs: Cardano.TxOut[]
proposalProcedures?: Cardano.ProposalProcedure[]
referenceInputs?: Cardano.TxIn[]
requiredExtraSignatures?: Ed25519KeyHashHex[]
scriptIntegrityHash?: Hash32ByteBase16
totalCollateral?: bigint

The total collateral field lets users write transactions whose collateral is evident by just looking at the tx body instead of requiring information in the UTxO. The specification of total collateral is optional.

It does not change how the collateral is computed but transactions whose collateral is different from the amount specified will be invalid.

treasuryValue?: bigint
update?: Cardano.Update
validityInterval?: Cardano.ValidityInterval
votingProcedures?: Cardano.VotingProcedures
withdrawals?: Cardano.Withdrawal[]

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