
  • ObservableWallet

Implemented by


addresses$: Observable<WalletAddress[]>
assetInfo$: Observable<Assets>

All owned and historical assets

currentEpoch$: Observable<EpochInfo>
delegation: DelegationTracker
eraSummaries$: Observable<EraSummary[]>
fatalError$: Observable<unknown>

This is the catch all Observable for fatal errors emitted by the Wallet. Once errors are emitted, probably the only available recovery action is to shutdown the Wallet and to create a new one.

genesisParameters$: Observable<CompactGenesis>
governance: {
    isRegisteredAsDRep$: Observable<boolean>;
    getPubDRepKey(): Promise<undefined | Ed25519PublicKeyHex>;

Type declaration

  • Readonly isRegisteredAsDRep$: Observable<boolean>

    true this wallet is registered as drep

  • getPubDRepKey:function
handles$: Observable<HandleInfo[]>
protocolParameters$: Observable<ConwayProtocolParameters>
publicStakeKeys$: Observable<PubStakeKeyAndStatus[]>
syncStatus: SyncStatus
tip$: Observable<PartialBlockHeader>
transactions: TransactionsTracker


  • Discover addresses that might have been created by other applications. This is run automatically when the wallet is first created.


    Promise that resolves when discovery is complete, with an updated array of wallet addresses

    Returns Promise<WalletAddress[]>

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