Interface TransactionReemitterProps


  • TransactionReemitterProps


genesisParameters$: Observable<Pick<CompactGenesis, "securityParameter" | "activeSlotsCoefficient" | "slotLength">>
logger: Logger
maxInterval: number

It is possible that a transaction is rolled back before it is found on chain. This option can be used to re-emit (and then attempt to re-submit) a transaction if it takes too long to show up on chain.

stores: Pick<storage.WalletStores, "inFlightTransactions" | "volatileTransactions">
tipSlot$: Observable<Slot>
transactions: Pick<TransactionsTracker, "rollback$"> & {
    outgoing: Pick<{
        failed$: Observable<FailedTx>;
        inFlight$: Observable<TxInFlight[]>;
        onChain$: Observable<OutgoingOnChainTx>;
        pending$: Observable<OutgoingTx>;
        signed$: Observable<WitnessedTx[]>;
        submitting$: Observable<OutgoingTx>;
    }, "submitting$" | "onChain$" | "inFlight$">;

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