Interface WalletManagerActivateProps<P, O>

Type Parameters

  • P extends string | number = string

  • O = unknown


  • WalletManagerActivateProps


accountIndex?: number
chainId: ChainId

The chainId of the network to activate the wallet in

provider?: {
    options: O;
    type: P;

provider could be used to pass the necessary information to construct providers for different networks. Its value is passed to the WalletFactory, which is required to create WalletManagerWorker. The structure is in the hands of the user and depends on how the WalletFactory is implemented. An example of what a provider data could look like:

 props.provider = {
type: ProviderType.CardanoServices,
options: {cardanoServicesUrl: ''}

Another example using a mix of provider types:

observableWalletName: 'MixedProvidersOnTestnet',
provider: {
options: {
providers: [
// WalletFactory will use this data to create a cardano-services-client ogmiosTxSubmitProvider
{ connectionConfig: ConnectionConfig, type: ProviderType.OgmiosTxSubmit },
// WalletFactory will use this data to create the rest of the services
{ baseUrl: '', type: ProviderType.CardanoServices }
type: ProviderType.Mixed

Type declaration

  • options: O
  • type: P
walletId: string

The walletId of the wallet to activate

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