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Getting Started

End of life

After several years of service, cardano-rest is now considered deprecated. There will be no further development nor support done on this component stack after the 31st of March 2021. Note that it will however survive the Mary hardfork going happening soon. Clients currently integrated with this component are therefore encouraged to upgrade their integration to use either cardano-graphql or cardano-rosetta which are more capable, production-ready and better documented components still under active development.


This guide is meant to help existing customers migrating from cardano-rest to new components by showing how information from cardano-rest can be retrieved from each components. Note that this guide does not cover new components installation and build instructions. For these, refer to each component's README and wiki page on their respective Github repositories.


Cardano-graphql is cross-platform, typed, and queryable API for Cardano. The project contains multiple packages for composing GraphQL services to meet specific application demands, and a docker-compose stack serving the included cardano-graphql-server Dockerfile and the extended hasura Dockerfile. The schema is defined in native .graphql, and used to generate a TypeScript package for client-side static typing.


Cardano-rosetta is an implementation of the Rosetta specification for Cardano. Rosetta is an open-source specification and set of tools that makes integrating with blockchains simpler, faster, and more reliable.


cardano-submit-api is a fresh implementation of the submit-api from cardano-rest. The API has a compatible interface so that existing users will be already familiar with it, though it includes new features and will be maintained in the future. The API is also now located closer to cardano-node and share the same development resources.