
Hashes are represented as bitstrings:
Hash : Type
Hash = Bitstring
Hashable types are collected under a appropriate typeclass:
record Hashable (A : Type) : Type where
    _♯    : A  Hash
    ♯-inj : Injective≡ _♯

  infix 100 _♯
We assume an abstract type of nonces and hashing functions for primitive types and type formers:
record HashAssumptions : Type₁ where
    Nonce : Type
      -- type formers
      Hashable-×     :  Hashable A    Hashable B   Hashable (A × B)
      Hashable-⊎     :  Hashable A    Hashable B   Hashable (A  B)
      Hashable-List  :  Hashable A   Hashable (List A)
      Hashable-Maybe :  Hashable A   Hashable (Maybe A)

      -- base types
      Hashable-⊤         : Hashable 
      Hashable-String    : Hashable String
      Hashable-Bitstring : Hashable Bitstring
      Hashable-Nonce     : Hashable Nonce
      Hashable-ℕ         : Hashable 
      Hashable-Int       : Hashable 
      Hashable-Float     : Hashable Float
      Hashable-Fin       : ∀{n}  Hashable (Fin n)


Let’s start with various aliases for bitstrings and key pairs:
Key Signature PublicKey PrivateKey : Type
Key        = Bitstring
Signature  = Bitstring
PublicKey  = Key
PrivateKey = Key

record KeyPair : Type where
  constructor mk-keyPair
  field publicKey  : PublicKey
        privateKey : PrivateKey
open KeyPair public
We then assume that there is a way to sign (hashable) values, as well as the existence of a suitable signature verification algorithm (e.g. SHA256).
record SignatureAssumptions : Type₁ where
    verify-signature : PublicKey  Signature  Hash  Bool
    sign :  Hashable A   Key  A  Signature