- Preparing search index...
- The search index is not available
Function mkTestEnvironment
- mkTestEnvironment(provisionRequest): ((testConfiguration) => Promise<TestEnvironment>)
Returns ((testConfiguration) => Promise<TestEnvironment>)
- (testConfiguration): Promise<TestEnvironment>
testConfiguration: {
bank: { seedPhrase: string; };
lucid: { blockfrostProjectId: string; blockfrostUrl: string; };
network: "Mainnet" | "Preview" | "Preprod" | "Custom";
runtimeURL: string;
bank: { seedPhrase: string; }
lucid: { blockfrostProjectId: string; blockfrostUrl: string; }
network: "Mainnet" | "Preview" | "Preprod" | "Custom"
runtimeURL: string
Provide a Test Environment to execute E2E tests over a Lucid Wallet and an instance of a Marlowe Runtime.