- Preparing search index...
- The search index is not available
- available(filters?): Promise<{
assets: ({ tokens: { quantity: bigint; assetId: { policyId: Branded<string, PolicyIdBrand>; assetName: string; }; }[]; }) & {
lovelaces?: bigint;
contractId: Branded<string, ContractIdBrand>;
payoutId: PayoutId;
role: { policyId: Branded<string, PolicyIdBrand>; assetName: string; };
Returns Promise<{
assets: ({ tokens: { quantity: bigint; assetId: { policyId: Branded<string, PolicyIdBrand>; assetName: string; }; }[]; }) & {
lovelaces?: bigint;
contractId: Branded<string, ContractIdBrand>;
payoutId: PayoutId;
role: { policyId: Branded<string, PolicyIdBrand>; assetName: string; };
- withdraw(payoutIds): Promise<void>
Returns Promise<void>
- withdrawn(filters?): Promise<{
assets: ({ tokens: { quantity: bigint; assetId: { policyId: Branded<string, PolicyIdBrand>; assetName: string; }; }[]; }) & {
lovelaces?: bigint;
contractId: Branded<string, ContractIdBrand>;
payoutId: PayoutId;
role: { policyId: Branded<string, PolicyIdBrand>; assetName: string; };
withdrawalId: WithdrawalId;
Returns Promise<{
assets: ({ tokens: { quantity: bigint; assetId: { policyId: Branded<string, PolicyIdBrand>; assetName: string; }; }[]; }) & {
lovelaces?: bigint;
contractId: Branded<string, ContractIdBrand>;
payoutId: PayoutId;
role: { policyId: Branded<string, PolicyIdBrand>; assetName: string; };
withdrawalId: WithdrawalId;
Provide All the availaible payouts for the connected Wallet