Compatibility module with the Playground's internal marlowe-js library. To migrate existing projects follow the instructions in the playground compatibility guide

import {
Contract, Address, Role, Account, Party, ada, lovelace, AvailableMoney, Constant,
NegValue, AddValue, SubValue, MulValue, DivValue, ChoiceValue, TimeIntervalStart,
TimeIntervalEnd, UseValue, Cond, AndObs, OrObs, NotObs, ChoseSomething,
ValueGE, ValueGT, ValueLT, ValueLE, ValueEQ, TrueObs, FalseObs, Deposit,
Choice, Notify, Close, Pay, If, When, Let, Assert, SomeNumber, AccountId,
ChoiceId, Token, ValueId, Value, EValue, Observation, Bound, Action, Payee,
Case, Timeout, ETimeout
} from "";

function myContract(): Contract {
return Close;


Re-exports Action
Re-exports Case
Re-exports ChoiceId
Re-exports Contract
Re-exports Observation
Re-exports Party
Re-exports Payee
Re-exports Timeout
Re-exports Token
Re-exports Value