module Type.BetaNormal where

## Fixity declarations

To begin, we get all our infix declarations out of the way.
infix  4 _⊢Nf⋆_
infix 4 _⊢Ne⋆_

## Imports

open import Type
open import Type.RenamingSubstitution
open import Builtin.Constant.Type

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
  renaming (subst to substEq) using (_≡_; refl; cong; cong₂; trans; sym)
open import Function
open import Agda.Builtin.Nat

## Type β-normal forms

We mutually define normal forms and neutral terms. It is guaranteed
that not further beta reductions are possible. Neutral terms can be
variables, neutral applications (where the term in the function
position cannot be a lambda), or recursive types. Normal forms can be
pi types, function types, lambdas or neutral terms.

data _⊢Nf⋆_ : Ctx⋆  Kind  Set

data _⊢Ne⋆_ : Ctx⋆  Kind  Set where
  ` :  {Φ J}
     Φ ∋⋆ J
     Φ ⊢Ne⋆ J

  _·_ : ∀{Φ K J}
     Φ ⊢Ne⋆ (K  J)
     Φ ⊢Nf⋆ K
     Φ ⊢Ne⋆ J

data _⊢Nf⋆_ where

  Π :  {Φ K}
     Φ ,⋆ K ⊢Nf⋆ *
     Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *

  _⇒_ :  {Φ}
     Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *
     Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *
     Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *

  ƛ :   {Φ K J}
     Φ ,⋆ K ⊢Nf⋆ J
     Φ ⊢Nf⋆ (K  J)

  ne : ∀{φ K}
     φ ⊢Ne⋆ K
     φ ⊢Nf⋆ K

  con : ∀{φ}  TyCon  φ ⊢Nf⋆ *

  μ : ∀{φ K}
     φ ⊢Nf⋆ (K  *)  K  *
     φ ⊢Nf⋆ K
     φ ⊢Nf⋆ *


# Renaming

We need to be able to weaken (introduce a new variable into the
context) in normal forms so we define renaming which subsumes

renNf :  {Φ Ψ}
   Ren Φ Ψ
   (∀ {J}  Φ ⊢Nf⋆ J  Ψ ⊢Nf⋆ J)
renNe :  {Φ Ψ}
   Ren Φ Ψ
   (∀ {J}  Φ ⊢Ne⋆ J  Ψ ⊢Ne⋆ J)

renNf ρ (Π A)       = Π (renNf (ext ρ) A)
renNf ρ (A  B)     = renNf ρ A  renNf ρ B
renNf ρ (ƛ B)       = ƛ (renNf (ext ρ) B)
renNf ρ (ne A)      = ne (renNe ρ A)
renNf ρ (con tcn)   = con tcn
renNf ρ (μ A B)     = μ (renNf ρ A) (renNf ρ B)

renNe ρ (` x)   = ` (ρ x)
renNe ρ (A · x) = renNe ρ A · renNf ρ x

weakenNf :  {Φ J K}
   Φ ⊢Nf⋆ J
   Φ ,⋆ K ⊢Nf⋆ J
weakenNf = renNf S

Embedding normal forms back into terms

embNf : ∀{Γ K}  Γ ⊢Nf⋆ K  Γ ⊢⋆ K
embNe : ∀{Γ K}  Γ ⊢Ne⋆ K  Γ ⊢⋆ K

embNf (Π B)       = Π (embNf B)
embNf (A  B)     = embNf A  embNf B
embNf (ƛ B)       = ƛ (embNf B)
embNf (ne B)      = embNe B
embNf (con tcn)   = con tcn
embNf (μ A B)     = μ (embNf A) (embNf B)

embNe (` x)   = ` x
embNe (A · B) = embNe A · embNf B

ren-embNf :  {Φ Ψ}
   (ρ : Ren Φ Ψ)
   (n : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ J)
   embNf (renNf ρ n)  ren ρ (embNf n)

ren-embNe :  {Φ Ψ}
   (ρ : Ren Φ Ψ)
   (n : Φ ⊢Ne⋆ J)
   embNe (renNe ρ n)  ren ρ (embNe n)

ren-embNf ρ (Π B)       = cong Π (ren-embNf (ext ρ) B)
ren-embNf ρ (A  B)     = cong₂ _⇒_ (ren-embNf ρ A) (ren-embNf ρ B)
ren-embNf ρ (ƛ B)       = cong ƛ (ren-embNf (ext ρ) B)
ren-embNf ρ (ne n)      = ren-embNe ρ n
ren-embNf ρ (con tcn  ) = refl
ren-embNf ρ (μ A B)     = cong₂ μ (ren-embNf ρ A) (ren-embNf ρ B)

ren-embNe ρ (` x)    = refl
ren-embNe ρ (n · n') = cong₂ _·_ (ren-embNe ρ n) (ren-embNf ρ n')