module Utils where

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Function
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Nat.Properties
open import Relation.Binary
import Data.Integer as I
open import Data.Vec hiding (map;_>>=_;_++_)
open import Data.List hiding (map)
open import Data.Sum
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Data.Empty

-- we cannot use the standard library's Maybe as it is not set up to
-- compile the Haskell's Maybe and compile pragmas have to go in the
-- same module as defintions

data Maybe (A : Set) : Set where
  just : A  Maybe A
  nothing : Maybe A

{-# COMPILE GHC Maybe = data Maybe (Just | Nothing) #-}

maybe : {A B : Set}  (A  B)  B  Maybe A  B 
maybe f b (just a) = f a
maybe f b nothing  = b

mbind : {A B : Set}  Maybe A  (A  Maybe B)  Maybe B
mbind (just a) f = f a
mbind nothing  f = nothing

{-# COMPILE GHC mbind = \_ _ a f -> a >>= f #-}

-- the same applies to sums...

data Either (A B : Set) : Set where
  inj₁ : A  Either A B
  inj₂ : B  Either A B

{-# COMPILE GHC Either = data Either (Left | Right) #-}

case : {A B C : Set}  Either A B  (A  C)  (B  C)  C
case (inj₁ a) f g = f a
case (inj₂ b) f g = g b

eitherBind : ∀{A B E}  Either E A  (A  Either E B)  Either E B
eitherBind (inj₁ e) f = inj₁ e
eitherBind (inj₂ a) f = f a

decIf : ∀{A B : Set}  Dec A  B  B  B
decIf (yes p) t f = t
decIf (no ¬p) t f = f

cong₃ : {A B C D : Set}  (f : A  B  C  D)
   {a a' : A}  a  a'
   {b b' : B}  b  b'
   {c c' : C}  c  c'
   f a b c  f a' b' c'
cong₃ f refl refl refl = refl

_I>?_ : Decidable I._>_
i I>? j = j I.<? i

_I≥?_ : Decidable I._≥_
i I≥? j = j I.≤? i

z≤‴n :  {n}  zero  ≤‴ n
z≤‴n {n} = ≤″⇒≤‴ (≤⇒≤″ z≤n)

lem¬≤ : ∀{n}  ¬ (suc n Data.Nat.≤ n)
lem¬≤ (s≤s p) = lem¬≤ p

lem≤‴ : ∀{m n}(p q : m ≤‴ n)  p  q
lem≤‴ ≤‴-refl ≤‴-refl     = refl
lem≤‴ ≤‴-refl (≤‴-step q) = ⊥-elim (lem¬≤ (≤″⇒≤ (≤‴⇒≤″ q)))
lem≤‴ (≤‴-step p) ≤‴-refl = ⊥-elim (lem¬≤ (≤″⇒≤ (≤‴⇒≤″ p)))
lem≤‴ (≤‴-step p) (≤‴-step q) = cong ≤‴-step (lem≤‴ p q)

+-monoʳ-≤‴ : (n₁ : ) {x y : }  x ≤‴ y  n₁ + x ≤‴ n₁ + y
+-monoʳ-≤‴ n p = ≤″⇒≤‴ (≤⇒≤″ (+-monoʳ-≤ n (≤″⇒≤ (≤‴⇒≤″ p))))

_:<_ : ∀{A : Set}{n}  Vec A n  A  Vec A (suc n)
[]        :< a = a  []
(a'  as) :< a = a'  (as :< a)

_:<L_ : ∀{A : Set}  List A  A  List A
[]        :<L a = a  []
(a'  as) :<L a = a'  (as :<L a)

data _≤L_ {A : Set} : List A  List A  Set where
 base : ∀{as}  as ≤L as
 skip : ∀{as as' a}  as ≤L as'  as ≤L (a  as')

[]≤L : {A : Set}(as : List A)  [] ≤L as
[]≤L []       = base
[]≤L (a  as) = skip ([]≤L as)

data _≤L'_ {A : Set} : List A  List A  Set where
 base : ∀{as}  as ≤L' as
 skip : ∀{as as' a}  (a  as) ≤L' as'  as ≤L' as'

open import Data.Product

_<L'_ : {A : Set}  List A  List A  Set
as <L' as' = Σ _ λ a  (a  as) ≤L' as'

lem⊥ : ∀{A : Set}{as : List A}{a}  (a  as) ≤L' []  
lem⊥ (skip p) = lem⊥ p

lem0 : {A : Set}{a a' : A}{as as' : List A}
   (a  as) ≤L' (a'  as')  as ≤L' as'
lem0 base     = base
lem0 (skip p) = skip (lem0 p)

lem1 : {A : Set}{a : A}{as as' : List A}  as ≤L' as'  as ≤L' (a  as')
lem1 base = skip base
lem1 (skip p) = skip (lem1 p)

≤Lto≤L' : {A : Set}{as as' : List A}  as ≤L as'  as ≤L' as'
≤Lto≤L' base = base
≤Lto≤L' (skip p) = lem1 (≤Lto≤L' p)

[]≤L' : {A : Set}(as : List A)  [] ≤L' as
[]≤L' as = ≤Lto≤L' ([]≤L as)

-- Monads

record Monad (F : Set  Set) : Set₁ where
    return : ∀{A}  A  F A
    _>>=_   : ∀{A B}  F A  (A  F B)  F B
  _>>_ : ∀{A B}  F A  F B  F B
  as >> bs = as >>= const bs

  fmap : ∀{A B}  (A  B)  F A  F B
  fmap f as = as >>= (return  f)

open Monad {{...}} public

  MaybeMonad : Monad Maybe
  MaybeMonad = record { return = just ; _>>=_ = mbind }

sumBind : {A B C : Set}  A  C  (A  B  C)  B  C
sumBind (inj₁ a) f = f a
sumBind (inj₂ c) f = inj₂ c

SumMonad : (C : Set)  Monad (_⊎ C)
SumMonad A = record { return = inj₁ ; _>>=_ = sumBind }

EitherMonad : (E : Set)  Monad (Either E)
EitherMonad E = record { return = inj₂ ; _>>=_ = eitherBind }

-- one instance to rule them all...
  EitherP : {A : Set}  Monad (Either A)
  Monad.return EitherP = inj₂
  Monad._>>=_ EitherP  = eitherBind

withE : {A B C : Set}  (A  B)  Either A C  Either B C
withE f (inj₁ a) = inj₁ (f a)
withE f (inj₂ c) = inj₂ c

{-# FOREIGN GHC import Raw #-}

data RuntimeError : Set where
  gasError : RuntimeError

{-# COMPILE GHC RuntimeError = data RuntimeError (GasError) #-}