A transaction is a record of value transfer between two or more addresses on the network. It represents a request to modify the state of the blockchain, by transferring a certain amount of ADA or a native asset from one address to another. Each transaction includes inputs and outputs, where the inputs represent the addresses that are sending ADA or the native asset, and the outputs represent the addresses that are receiving ADA or the native asset.

To ensure the security and integrity of the Cardano blockchain, each transaction is cryptographically signed using the private key of the sender's address, which proves that the sender has authorized the transaction.

Additionally, each transaction on the Cardano blockchain can also carry metadata, which can be used to include additional information about the transaction, such as a description or a reference to a specific product or service.


  • Transaction



#auxiliaryData: undefined | Serialization.AuxiliaryData
#isValid: boolean = true
#originalBytes: undefined | TxCBOR = undefined


  • Gets whether the Transaction is expected to fail Plutus scripts validations or not.

    A transaction with this flag on false, can still be submitted to the blockchain.


    true if the transaction is expected to fail validation; otherwise, false.

    Returns boolean

  • Sets the valid flag on the transaction.

    Transactions containing Plutus scripts that are expected to fail validation can still be submitted if this value is set to false.

    Remark: Sending transactions with invalid scripts will cause the collateral of the transaction to be lost.


    • valid: boolean

    Returns void

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