
A chain is simply a sequence of blocks.

Chain = List Block

The genesis block is just the start of any chain, so it’s simpler to consider any empty chain to consist of just the genesis block.

genesisChain = Chain  []

instance HasEpoch-Chain = HasEpoch Chain  λ where ._∙epoch  λ where
  []       0
  (b  _)  b .epoch

Not all chains are valid though: each subsequent block must reference the latest block by hash and cannot decrease the epoch number.

record _-connects-to-_ (b : Block) (ch : Chain) : Type where
  constructor connects∶
  field hashesMatch   : b .parentHash  ch 
        epochAdvances : b .epoch > ch ∙epoch

data ValidChain : Chain  Type where
  [] :
      ValidChain genesisChain

  _∷_⊣_ :
     ValidChain ch
     b -connects-to- ch
      ValidChain (b  ch)