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Function emptyApplicables
- emptyApplicables(next): boolean
next: {
applicable_inputs: { notify: Option<{ case_index: bigint; is_merkleized_continuation: boolean; }>; deposits: { case_index: bigint; party: Address | Role; can_deposit: bigint; of_token: Token; into_account: Address | Role; is_merkleized_continuation: boolean; }[]; choices: { ...; }[]; };
can_reduce: boolean;
applicable_inputs: { notify: Option<{ case_index: bigint; is_merkleized_continuation: boolean; }>; deposits: { case_index: bigint; party: Address | Role; can_deposit: bigint; of_token: Token; into_account: Address | Role; is_merkleized_continuation: boolean; }[]; choices: { ...; }[]; }
can_reduce: boolean
Returns boolean
empty Applicables indicates if the contract is in a state where no inputs can be applied.