• Configure Roles using tokens previously Minted. These Role Tokens are already defined (via an NFT platform, cardano-cli, another Marlowe Contract Created, etc.. )


    • policyId: string

      The policy Id of All the token roles defined in the Marlowe Contract DSL

    • Optional openRoleNames: string[]

      defines all the Roles to be Open (Others will be Closed)

    Returns RolesConfiguration


    It is under the user's responsability to create and distribute properly these role tokens

    • Make sure all the Token Name are minted and match all the Role Names defined in the contract
    • Depending on the Marlowe Contract logic, make sure the tokens are distributed to the right wallet When using Open Role Tokens
    • Thread Role Token needs to me minted when using Open Roles (by default threadRoleName = "")
    • see Build Create Contract Tx